I’m having trouble figuring out how to get rid (hide) the page titles on certain pages on my site. I think I must’ve worked it out a while ago for some pages, because it doesn’t appear on my ‘About’ page for example. I just can’t for the life of me work out how to do it again! I don’t want any page titles on any of my pages, basically.
Is anyone able to help me with this please?
]]>/* Remove Titles on Specific Pages and Posts */
.page-id-2261 .entry-title, .page-id-604 .entry-title, .page-id-536 .entry-title, .page-id-250 .entry-title {display: none;}
]]>I would like to achieve a similar effect as this site
I tried many things but it doesn’t work
I am working on a gennesis framework and the foodie theme
]]>Wanted to see if anyone had any suggestions on how to create a custom page template to remove the top title area, called entry-header.
I can accomplish this with CSS in my Child Theme
.page-id-412 .entry-header, .featurette-divider
display: none;
But kind of sloppy to do this for 20 plus pages.
I do have a custom-page-php set up, just copied the page template code and renamed it.
But I am really lost on this code. No simple way to omit the title or so forth.
Anyone out there need to do this? Maybe can share a template?
Thanks, Tom
]]>I’ve just set up a child theme and was wondering how to remove the titles off of the pages for the twentythirteen theme.
I’ve seen posts that say to comment-out the title with php, which is fine, but the only file I have available to edit in my child theme right now is my style.css.
So, my question is, can I pull in copies of files in the parent theme folder and edit them in my child theme?
Also, will I have to edit the code every time wordpress updates?
Website: michaelpitluk.com
]]>I’m having a heck of a time trying to remove the widget titles from Archives and Tag Cloud… Please help! I’ve googled it but can’t seem to figure it out.
Thanks in advance!
]]>How do I remove the TWP title? I have embedded TWP in a scrolling box and want to use another Text widget to create a title that sits above the scrolling box.
But I can’t for the life of me remove the title.
Here is the contents of my text widget…
<div style=”height: 400px; width: 100%; border: 1px solid #ccc; font: 16px/26px; overflow: auto;”>
<p>[twitter-widget username=”Username”][/twitter-widget]</p>
I have also tried removing the default title from the settings.