Now these are the uploaded file names:
Next time, I would like to rename them as follows:
Could you please guide me on how to do this? What should I do?
Thank you for your support!
]]>This involved several steps that I’m hoping are possible. I have two custom post types: Conference and Paper
I have created a separate folder in Uploads for my custom post type files ../uploads/papers (755)
Step 1: When my client creates a conference post via the ACF Extended form I want to run some code that creates a folder — using the post title as the folder name — in the uploads/papers directory. I am hoping that this can go within a form submit action using something along the following lines where conference-post-title is injected from the form submission:
$upload = wp_upload_dir();
$upload_dir = $upload['basedir'];
$upload_dir = $upload_dir . '/papers/conference-post-title';
if (! is_dir($upload_dir)) {
mkdir( $upload_dir, 0755 );
The site then allows registered users to create a custom post type (paper) (not publish it) and upload a .docx or pdf file with that post. This paper will be related to a conference created in Step 1.
I am using ACF Pro custom fields and ACF Extended (free) to create the front-end form. I want to be able to make the upload field use the folder created for the conference in Step One.
Step 2. User fills out form to create paper (CTP) with an upload-file field and presses submit button. At this point, I want the file be uploaded to the folder created in Step 1 (eg uploads/papers/conference-post-title
NB: I know ACF Extended Pro form has the ability to select upload folder but it only appears that uses the standard WP media files folder ie year/month. Would be bonus if you could select a custom upload folder location at this point.
Also, in Step 2 (and I’m not sure this will be possible). I’d like to give each created paper (CPT) a reference number custom field (eg 0001) — hopefully an incremental number on form_submit/post_create hook. This number would then be prefixed to the uploaded file name, eg 0001-my-file-name.docx or 0002-some-file-here.pdf.
I found the following code that looks useful but I don’t know how to pull it altogether.
// ACF Upload Prefilter:
add_filter('acf/upload_prefilter/name=my_file_upload', 'acf_upload_prefilter' );
function acf_upload_prefilter() {
add_filter('wp_handle_upload_prefilter', 'rename_current_acf_upload', 11, 1);
function rename_current_acf_upload( $file ){
$file['name'] = 'custom-filename-' . $file['name'];
return $file;
Where ‘custom-filename-‘ would be the automated post reference no (eg 0001).
Hopefully I can get some of this working with your help
My client has used very long names as their filenames. We are having issues when backing up and I’ve advised her to change her filenames. What would be the best way to proceed? Do we need to rename and reupload each file? Is there a faster way to make these changes?
Thank you for your help with this!
and i want to change in:
with your plugin is possible i need a pro version?
best regards.
]]>I tried to find the answer from other resolved questions, but I didn’t see such question.
I am trying this plugin on free version, maybe that is why it doesn’t work?
The problem is this:
If the title for the first image is ABC, then the image file name becomes abc.jpg. But the problem is with the second image with a title ABC, then the plugin is unable to rename the filename, because it already exists. So my question is – can I make it to automatically rename to abc2.jpg, then other posts with same title ABC would have abc2.jpg, abc3.jpg, abc4.jpg and so on..
Thank you.
]]>I have this registration form in html with formmail.php, and it does this, but I can’t seem to find a plugin that does this. I also need the form to write the records to a csv file I can download and import. Once I import the new records, I download the photos and resumes and attach them to the database records. That’s why I need to have custom names on the uploaded files.
Is there a good solution for this?