Any idea how to address these two issues and improve core web vitals as a result?
JS Minify ON
JS Combine OFF
JS Combine External and Inline OFF
Load JS Deferred DELAYED
]]>I would appreciate your help with fixing some render-blocking from the urls below as identified by Google PageSpeed Insights. The same resources are also associated with unused CSS, for example on my contact page. ?
After spending much time I haven’t had any success. Please can you advise how I can better use your plugin to do so?
Under CSS Settings I have CSS Minify, Generate UCSS and Inline CSS Async Lib ON. All other CSS settings OFF. Load CSS Async doesn’t improve.
Under HTML Settings>DNS Prefetch I have listed and my home URL.
Under Tuning Settings-CSS>Critical CSS Rules I have listed Customizer CSS affecting above the fold.? How do you identify all Critical CSS which should go here? ???
While my core web vitals pass for mobile (except the contact page with js) and desktop, PageSpeed Insights advises to eliminate the above render-blocking resources.? TTFB is not good either.
Any help on how to eliminate the render blocking, remove unused CSS would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you. ??
HI am performing an audit on my website, using gtmetrix tool. It suggests me to eliminate render blocking resources. I have something like 10 css files , that have these paths:
I tried to add these css under the “Load the following CSS files asynchronously” box, and it works.
The problem is when the cache updates, than the folder “1683903294” , updates to a new values so, the path is not correct any more.
I am not sure how to fix the problem, since if i try to specify the name of the css file using something like *wpo-minify-header-xxxxxxx.min.css to allow any base url, it does not get matched. So the matching for async css loading appears to be working only when specifying the full base url, but it changes as I wrote before!
Is there any way to provide a correct dynamic matching, based on a part of the url or file name only or any work around?
]]>Is this file necessary site-wide, or only on woo-commerce pages?
And if not needed, what is the best way to remove it, ie with
wp_dequeue_script( ‘pw-gift-cards’ );
or similar PHP snippet?
]]>Is there a hook or a dequeue_style or register_style code snippet we can use to prevent the stylesheet …css/ayecode-ui.min.css, …css/userswp.min.css, or other assets (bootstrap bundle, etc) from loading so that we can reduce render-blocking unused CSS files?
]]>I’ve been trying to improve my Pagespeed Insight as I was failing Core Web Vitals for LCP on mobile at 5+ seconds (Desktop is no issue at all).I’ve now managed to reduce that to 3.7s on mobile.
However, Pagespeed keeps informing me of some render-blocking resources on both mobile and desktop that won’t go away.
I’ve attached a screenshot of the resources here:
My Autoptimize options are:
Optimise JavaScript code: ON
Aggregate JS files? ON
Exclusions for JS:
wp-includes/js/dist/, wp-includes/js/tinymce/
Optimise CSS code: ON
Aggregate CSS files: ON
Also aggregate inline CSS: ON
Exclusions for CSS:
wp-content/cache/, wp-content/uploads/, admin-bar.min.css, dashicons.min.css,
Optimise HTML code: ON
Save aggregated script/SS: ON
Minify excluded CSS and JS: ON
Enable 404 fallbacks: ON
After doing some searching here, I also added: “add_filter( ‘autoptimize_filter_init_compatibility’, ‘__return_false’ );” to my .php, which helped quite a lot.
Unfortunately, I can’t seem to fix those render-blocking resources. Any help would be greatly appreciated with this.
]]>“Eliminate render-blocking resources
… – 370 ms, 41.29 KiB – 220 ms, 2.97 KiB – 180 ms, 13.90 KiB
These are currently being loaded with high priority.
Q? Can I differ these .css files?
I am running Lightspeed Standard Queue/LiteSpeed Enterprise with CDN API functionality enabled. I also have a free Cloudflare account and I am using the Cloudflare WP plugin.
]]>Can I keep AO disable for caching and just use it to eliminate render-blocking resources?