I have extended the user options with some field, which I’m displaying in the author.php with the following pattern:
$post_id = get_the_ID();
$user_id = get_the_author_meta('ID', get_post_field('post_author', $post_id));
$space_title = get_user_meta($user_id, 'space_title', true);
# Display part follow this pattern:
<?php if ($space_title) : ?>
<p class="space_title">
<?= $space_title ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Now, I added the possibility to add a list of links through a repeatable text field, but I can’t figure out how to loop through the entries, because $space_links = get_user_meta($user_id, 'space_links', true);
returns just a string of the first item submitted.
A naif attempt to make it an array
had no good outcome.$space_links = array(get_user_meta($user_id, 'space_links', true));
Any suggestion?
]]>I’m working with Repeatable Fields for CF7 and now I want to fill the sheet with the fields filled in the repeatable inputs. Printing the field or creating a loop like in the email didn’t work.
Any support?
]]>Is it also possible to create new entry (row) in google sheet for every repeatable field answer?
Thanks for the info.
If I have a field with a repeater, and the first submission has 6 instances of the repeated field, then I export, the export is fine.
If then, someone submits the form with only 3 instances of the repeated field, the export will only show 3 for both rows
If then a third submission occurs and there are 4 instances of the repeated field, all 3 rows will present with 4 columns for that data
So in short, the export will only add to the csv file the number of repeated rows that the most recent submission has.
Assumed the loop when generating the csv will loop through the most recent, then build the other rows based on that, so it won’t know to look for the extra possible fields. Possible fix would be to create an array of arrays, see which array is longest and use that one to create the rest, but if there are forms with multiple repeaters it still may not get them all
My temporary fix is to submit a form with 25 rows to ensure I get all the data for the previous submissions just before export, but this is a pain.
I have also sent an email from the contact form on your website
]]>here is the email i recieved of CSV of repeatable field sets
]]>we have found a problem with values from repeatable fields assigned to PDF document which is made for clients. Pdf is made by other plugin, Send PDF for CF7, and it shows all the basic CF7 fields fine. But if they are set inside repeatable fields or groups, their values are not assigned…only the shortcode text is visible in PDF.
Should it be a problem with your plugin or with the PDF creator??
We need the PDF as a document for reclamations in our eshop.
Thanks for any help
]]>It is the multi legs tab on the top form on the home page where I am having this issue.
Any advice?
]]>It is the multi legs tab on the top form on the home page where I am having this issue.