So, theoretically, at this point it should be identical to the original site but with the new subdomain in place. But it’s not working properly – I’m getting some empty links instead of links to pages under the new subdomain and I don’t see how this can possibly happen, given what I’ve done. I’ve tried clearing all caches, to no avail. Any suggestions as to what I might have overlooked? (I should add that all values in wp-config.php have been correctly updated for the new site).
I used the same approach on another site and it worked perfectly, so I’m at a loss to understand how this could possibly not work, as it’s so fundamental and basic.
]]>I have a two-node master-slave redis system setup. If I stop the redis server on either node the Redis Object Cache plugin loses connection instead of connecting to the remaining node.
In the scenario, I have stopped the redis on the local host. With a test Predis client, I can still connect and read from the replica but the plugin says Not connected although the other redis server (slave) is still intact.
Error in diagnostics:
Status: Not connected
Client: Predis (v2.0.3)
Drop-in: Valid
Disabled: No
Ping: PONG
Errors: [
"Connection refused [tcp:\/\/]"
My related configuration in wp-config.php:
define( 'WP_REDIS_CLIENT', 'predis' );
define( 'WP_REDIS_SERVERS', [
] );
define( 'WP_REDIS_TIMEOUT', 1 );
define( 'WP_REDIS_READ_TIMEOUT', 1 );
Can you please help me with this? Is this how it is supposed to work?
My goal is to use Redis Object Cache connected to this two-node setup. If the master goes down the replica should be able to keep serving the cache.
Great plug in! I wonder one thing, I already have my map created here: but that is on Drupal.
I am building a new site on WordPress, so need to just copy that map onto WordPress, hopefully with your plug in! What is the easiest way to copy it?
Thank you!
]]>I am in a need to create child plugin of simple-job-board plugin. I have tried replicating the folder and its files but I am getting errors.
Please provide steps to follow to create child plugin of simple-job-board.
Thanks in Advance!!!
]]>Firstly, id, type & period are all set as primary keys; consequently whenever I browse that table, the sort by drop down is flashing and the whole database freezes up.
Secondly, the column ‘id’ should really be named something else because it’s the same as the column name in wp_posts meaning that any query involving both tables won’t run because the column ‘id’ is seen as ambiguous.
Can you address this please?
]]>Please find below configuration snnipet of db.php to check write query goes to rds maria master database and read query goes to rds read replica.
‘host’ => ‘masterdatabase’, // If port is other than 3306, use host:port.
‘user’ => ‘xxxxx’,
‘password’ => ‘xxxxxx’,
‘name’ => ‘xxxxxx’,
‘write’ => 1, // master server takes write queries
‘read’ => 0, // … and read queries
This adds the same server again, only this time it is configured as a slave.
The last three parameters are set to the defaults but are shown for clarity.
‘host’ => ‘readreplicadbatabase’, // If port is other than 3306, use host:port.
‘user’ => ‘xxxxx’,
‘password’ => ‘xxxxxx’,
‘name’ => ‘xxxxx’,
‘write’ => 0,
‘read’ => 1,
‘dataset’ => ‘global’,
‘timeout’ => 0.2,
It would be greatful if you suggest any changes to achieve this.
I have developed a comprehensive admin panel for this application under WordPress admin. Now the requirement is that the end-user part (the posting of job applications)
should remain online whereas the admin part should be kept and accessed locally on our LAN. So we have planned two instances of the same application, one online and the other on localhost.
So this requires that whenever a job application is posted using the online version it should also update the local version. This will be one-way synch., from online to localhost.
Please help me figure out the best possible way to accomplish this.
Is there any replication tool available out there which would replicate both database and uploads directory on the localhost?
Not using ludicrousdb because it doesn’t support the PDO.
Can’t use both at the same time.
]]>In order to set up master-slave replication, my host is asking me if MySQL SUPERPRIVILEGES are required.
Could you please let me know what MySQL permissions are required to set master-slave replication?
Thanks in advance
]]>I set up a MariaDB Master Slave Replication using many resources on the internet. So far, it’s good. Every new database created got replicated to the slave.
I then proceed to install WordPress on the master db. All this goes smooth.
However, when I create a blogpost, the replication does not work.
I got this error from the slave:
Could not execute Write_rows event on table testblog2.wp_options; Duplicate entry ‘132’ for key ‘PRIMARY’, Error_code: 1062; handler error HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY; the event’s master log mariadb-bin.000001, end_log_pos 1170967
This is a new server installation, both master and slave using CentOS 7.2 and MariaDB 5.5.52.
After searching on how to bypass this error, replication is normal again. Then, I tried creating another post, and the replication is halted again.
I stumbled upon this post:
in which recommends that Percona to be used instead of MariaDB.
I was wondering whether there are new information or not regarding this issue. I will try to use Percona, but if i can keep to use both MariaDB as DBMS, I’d like that.