I change the Post/Page upload setting to 1200×630.
I then went to media library and click resize for one image.
That image was resized to 1100×630.
Any particular reason why it did not resize to the larger setting?
]]>Smush no longer resizes images when I add them through the media library, on all new images added I get the message 'Skipped: Image is already optimized'. Looking at the default configuration I saw this:
Bulk Smush Smush Mode
Auto Compression
Image Resizing
Original Images
Backup Original Images
PNG to JPEG Conversion
Email Notification
Lazy Load Inactive
CDN InactivePro
Local WebP Inactive
Integrations Gutenberg Support
WPBakery Page Builder
Amazon S3
NextGen Gallery
Settings Image Resize Detection
Color Accessibility
Usage Tracking
Keep Data On Uninstall
By default it doesn't resize images?
How can I enable this feature?
]]>window.addEventListener("resize",function(o){setTimeout(()=>{window.matchMedia("(max-width: "+t.tablet_portrait+"px)").matches&&e.querySelector(".ba-read-more-wrapper").setAttribute("style","height:"+n+"px"),window.matchMedia("(max-width: "+t.mobile_landscape+"px)").matches&&e.querySelector(".ba-read-more-wrapper").setAttribute("style","height:"+a+"px"),window.matchMedia("(max-width: "+t.mobile_portrait+"px)").matches&&e.querySelector(".ba-read-more-wrapper").setAttribute("style","height:"+i+"px")},100)})}},c=e.querySelector(".ba-read-more-wrapper"),d=new Readmore(c,l);n=setInterval(function(){clearInterval(n),new BricksIntersect({element:c,callback:function(e){c&&(window.bricksableReadMoreData.ReadMoreInstances[o]&&window.bricksableReadMoreData.ReadMoreInstances[o].destroy(),window.bricksableReadMoreData.ReadMoreInstances[o]=d)}})},100)}});function bricksableReadMore(){bricksableReadMoreFn.run()}document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(e){bricksIsFrontend&&bricksableReadMore()});
Without the “overload” of the max-height also after resize()-Trigger, the Element is fixed to the defined colapsedHeight.
I guess the end of the Code should be:
window.addEventListener("resize",function(o){setTimeout(()=>{window.matchMedia("(max-width: "+t.tablet_portrait+"px)").matches&&e.querySelector(".ba-read-more-wrapper").setAttribute("style","height:"+n+"px;max-height:none;"),window.matchMedia("(max-width: "+t.mobile_landscape+"px)").matches&&e.querySelector(".ba-read-more-wrapper").setAttribute("style","height:"+a+"px;max-height:none;"),window.matchMedia("(max-width: "+t.mobile_portrait+"px)").matches&&e.querySelector(".ba-read-more-wrapper").setAttribute("style","height:"+i+"px;max-height:none;")},100)})}},c=e.querySelector(".ba-read-more-wrapper"),d=new Readmore(c,l);n=setInterval(function(){clearInterval(n),new BricksIntersect({element:c,callback:function(e){c&&(window.bricksableReadMoreData.ReadMoreInstances[o]&&window.bricksableReadMoreData.ReadMoreInstances[o].destroy(),window.bricksableReadMoreData.ReadMoreInstances[o]=d)}})},100)}});function bricksableReadMore(){bricksableReadMoreFn.run()}document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(e){bricksIsFrontend&&bricksableReadMore()});
Hope you can fix the bug in the next revision.
Unfortunatelly this resize-function has also other side-effects.
When a page have elements who are floating in, it seams the page-resize()-event ist triggering. At least your event-trigger is fireing while scrolling a lot, when elements are floating in. Because of this resize-function everytime each element of read-more-Element is doing some strange stuff.
Without the “re-overload” which I suggested above, all the read-more elements are FIXED to colapsed height.
But also with the suggested code, the read-more-Elements are colapsed while scrolling in mobile devices.
For what is this resize()-Event-Trigger for?
Maybe there would be an other solution for your aim with this resize()-trigger?
(Currently I load an custom frontend-min.js without your resize()-Event-function)
Best regards
I had some issues with my server configuration so I forced it to use GD image library since imagick throw an error for bigger images, although the image was still being processed and uploaded.
Can’t wait for Bulk image processing to arrive.
]]>Since updating to version 4.0.8, I’ve noticed an unusual behaviour where any page automatically refreshes when I resize the browser window. This didn’t happen before the update (deactivating the plugin the issue doesn’t happen).
Could you please look into this? Is this an intended new behaviour, or might it be an issue? How can I prevent the page from refreshing on resize?
Thank you!
]]>And sorry to hear, that Alex has passed away.
]]>Suddently, some of my images on my wordpress posts are resized (wrong width OR wrong hight).
Is there something in the latest update that messed with that ?
Here one of my page. You’ll see that some of the images are weirdly resized. I didn’t touch this post for weeks.
]]>With the toggle set to “Resize Image” and the Maximum Width and Height both set to 1920px. When uploading an image that is larger than 1920px on either dimension it is scaled down, this is expected behaviour and working fine.
However, when uploading an image that is smaller than 1920px in both width and height, the image is being scaled up, so that its largest side is 1920px. This is not expected behaviour.
I would expect this if the setting were for minimum dimensions, but not for maximum.
As an example I uploaded an image that was 600×400. In the image library it shows that this has been scaled up to 1920×1280.