Once I create a post for a team member, I can upload his image into featured image which would show both on the archive page and post page of this specific custom post type.
However, I need to have specific size for the uploaded featured image to display on both pages, so I need a resize image function. (currently it is resizing them to the default size of 150×150 and I need this for my regular posts)
How can I code that in function.php or even better in my archive-team.php and single-team.php? both pages can have the same size image. I will add more custom post types and they have different image sizes. So it has to be specific to each custom post type.
The size I need say is 300x170px.
I have read many tutorials for this but none works and most of the time I get a white page screen! So I must not connecting the dots correctly!
Any detailed help is appreciated
For some reason the circle images are not behaving consistently. My three featured post images are not behaving correctly -The images are not filling the circle, but are instead too small and appear cut off (straight image edges are seen) when scrolled over. On my test site this was not an issue at all – all uploaded images immediately resized to fill the circle, and I know it is not a thumbnail regen issue as I freshly uploaded the images after installing the theme. Also regular post images are appearing as squares rather than circles (I’ve seen documentation on fixing this, just mentioning it in case it is connected)
Why would it work in one site and not in the other which has an identical child theme? I’ve tried disabling most (will have to try all, I know) of my plugins to no effect.
Secondly, and this is an issue with both the test and live website, making me wonder if it is a bug in the latest Customizr update:
My WordPress visual editor is showing my page background image behind my text in the actual WYSIWYG editor (not in preview mode). This is very distracting and actually inaccurate, since my css on the actual site gives a solid background for the content section.
You can view the successful test site here: https://www.northwoodscenter.org/webtest/
however I’ve reverted the live site (the one with most of the issues) back to its old theme while I work on these bugs so as not to show the public an ugly face. Any theories on the cause of these issues would be a great help.
This is the current html code:
$recentPosts = new WP_Query();
echo “<div class=’recentthumbs’>”;
while ($recentPosts->have_posts()) : $recentPosts->the_post();
if (has_post_thumbnail) {
echo ““;
echo ““;
echo “<div style=’clear:both;’></div></div>”;
Thank you for your assistance, code is definitely an area where I lack any experience.
]]>.ims-gallery .ims-img img
#ims-thumbs .thumbs li img
I am trying to enlarge the thumbnails a bit also keeping the images square in proportion.
I get the desired size but the images are very pixelated. I need help figuring out how to adjust theses sizes properly.
I also need to have the images cropped at top center as opposed to just center. I realize you can adjust this in the admin area or each gallery and re-crop each image individualy. But I would like the default to be set to top center.
Thanks in Advance for the Help!
]]>1) In the logo the header drops down on the homepage, yet any other page it is correctly displayed. As far as I can tell it’s using the same code.
2) The footer keeps wanting to drop in to the right side bar, not at the bottom of the page. I currently removed it but if anyone knows any tricks that may help.
3) ok this is the real wammy, if you look at the any of the pages, such as shop or store events, internet explorer seems to want to cut the page in half. I can see the edge of the sidebar but not the entire thing, I also noticed it is cutting the header in half as well. I’m lost on this part and this is my main problem I’m sure enough prodding I can fix the other two.
Anyhow here is the website link https://tabletopgameandhobby.com/welcome/ any help would be greatly appreciated.
Also this theme is encoded, I have been able to work around it but I’m hoping to get this one up for him, until I have time to make him a new theme.
I also like to add this site runs like a charm in firefox, safari, chrome, and even netscape.