I have my video playlist order set to ‘date order’. This shows the videos in reverse chronological order (newest video first). I would like to change it to chronological order instead (oldest video first) for the playlist. Is this possible? If so, how?
Thank you,
]]>Thank you.
]]>Recent events:
[eo_events event_end_before=”today” numberposts=”5″]
But this is showing the FIRST five events in chronological order, when what I want is the most recent five events in reverse chron order. I can’t figure out how to do this — is there a way?
Thank you!
]]>My address is: https://www.georgetowncustomhomes.com/blog
My theme is: AquaFluid 1.6 by Sadish Balasubramanian; WP Theme AquaFluid by Sadish
My email is: Edward AT gtownrealty . com
Side note: now that I’m posting in my second year, is there a way to collapse my 2007 posts into one link?
Thanks for any help you can give!
]]>Is there a switch or option somewhere for displaying comments with the most recent going on top? Thanks…