I am experiencing one of the stragest problems I’ve ever have with WordPress. I am posting this in the hope that I might find at least one person who has seen this before.
The domain of my website gets rewritten in the address bar when I try to access /wp-admin (mostly in Firefox) or when I try to save the Permalinks structure after I log in (I can log in with Chrome).
Using Firefox, I can log in following /wp-login.php, but when the redirect to /wp-admin is made after login, the URL gets rewritten and I am being shot with an error. After this, if I open the domain/wp-admin in another tab, I notice that I am logged in and everything works normally until I want to save the Permalinks structure in which case the same thing happens. I get an error (noticing the domain is rewritten), but if I open domain/wp-admin/options-permalink.php, I can see the change has been saved.
The domain is www.suremann-spenglerei.ch – once I access www.suremann-spenglerei.ch/wp-admin, the URL gets rewritten to: https://www.suremann-s%e2%80%8bpenglerei.%e2%80%8bch/wp-login.php?redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.suremann-spenglerei.ch%2Fwp-admin%2F&reauth=1
As you can see, the string %e2%80%8b appears once in between the s and the p letters from ‘spenglerei’, as well as between the dot and the TLD.
At some point I managed to restore a backup of the website and now when I access the website with Chrome, after I log in, here is what I see in the /wp-admin/option-permalink.php screen as well as at the site name in the admin bar: https://s12.postimg.org/qpvzdfv7f/suremann.jpg
I have tested the installation (same files) under other domains and everything works just fine, which makes me think this is a domain related problem or a charset problem.
I would welcome any help or ideas that might lead me to a solution.
Thank you all!
One of the fields is a text field implemented as an editor by CKEdit. It has a link implementer which creates copy like this:
<a href="https://www.ottodix.org/catalog-item/123.001/">text</a>
I added some debugging code to see the contents of the $_REQUEST in admin.php. If I reference the $_REQUEST item at the beginning of the file, it looks like this:
<a href="https://www.ottodix.org/catalog-item/123.001/">text</a>
i.e., exactly as it existed in the form. However, I reference it at the beginning of my plug in, it looks like this:
<a href="https://www.ottodix.org/%22https://www.ottodix.org/catalog-item/123.001//%22">text</a>
Why is wordpress doing that and how do I make it stop? (Or what do I have to do to so it won’t rewrite that?)
]]>Thanks for your wonderful plugin!
I’ll start off explaining an overview of my situation, then asking my question, in order to prevent confusion about what I’m asking. Then I’ll dig deeper providing background information to my problem unrelated to your plugin, which might end up creating a serendipitous solution.
My situation overview: I think I’m stuck with using php version 5.2.17
My question: is there an easy way to keep this plugin active on the front end regardless of the php version I’m using?
Or do I have to hardcode the plugin in certain theme files? For example, on a movie page, I’m assuming I could hardcode something to retrieve movie info from my database.
I’m hoping my first question is possible. If not, I’m hoping you could tell me what files I need to edit in order to keep the plugin active regardless of my php version, so my movie pages aren’t blank.
Background information:
This plugin worked perfectly fine for a over a year. A few months ago, I performed a long over due update to wordpress (I’m using latest version). Oddly, a few days later after updating wordpress, I began noticing the following message:
WPMovieLibrary error: your environment does not meet all of the system requirements listed below.
PHP 5.3+ (You’re running version 5.2.17)
WordPress 3.6+ (You’re running version 4.2.2)
At first, I thought it must be an error, because in godaddy I have the programming language set to php 5.4. Then I remembered that regardless of the php version I have set in godaddy, When I first installed this plugin, I needed to specify the php version within htaccess (the htaccess code worked perfectly before updating wordpress):
# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress
AddHandler x-httpd-php5-3 .php
So, I looked in my htaccess file, an noticed that the “AddHandler x-httpd-php5-3 .php” snippet had gotten removed somehow. I updated it back to normal. refreshed a page in the wordpress admin area, and your plugin was working (only for first page load). If I refreshed the page again, my htaccess would automatically revert back to the code without the php version snippet.
I don’t no exactly what is going on, but I do know that the process of visiting a page, causes my htaccess to revert. each time I fix my htaccess (I’ve done it a number of times), it gets rewritten back to exclude the said snippet. Oddly, in godaddy, the date of the “reverted” htaccess file (without the php version snippet), is an older date. Maybe the htaccess file is getting rewritten do to some permalink situation, but godaddy has this old date for the htaccess file, because the htaccess content is the same as it was during that date. I don’t know.
…I was determined to get this to work. I removed many plugins, installed extra security measures, etc. After hours (maybe days) of troubleshooting, I thought to reinstall wordpress from the admin panel, even though I was already using the most current version. It worked, but only for a few days. For the past month, the only way to keep the plugin active, is to perform the same procedure every few days: Reistall wordpress from the admin panel and update the htaccess afterwards…or use godaddy’s history veiw and revert the whole website to the time it worked.
I’m not hacked, even though I thought I was at first. Also, I have other websites with completely different plugins (and not using this plugin) that do the same thing with my htaccess with the updated version of wordpress.
It’s the weirdest thing. I have seen various people try to figure out what the problem is via questions in forums, and it seems to have to do with wordpress permalinks, even though there is no answer other than to contact your hosting provider. I almost forgot to mention that it doesnt matter if I set the htaccess file to read only, it still gets reverted every few days.
I plan on trying to get to the bottom of the problem with godaddy when I get more time, but for now, I just want the plugin to work regardless of htaccess file (php version). I probably wont do anything with the website using this plugin for several months, but I’d rest well knowing that the site is up and running.
Again, I’m sure I haven’t provided enough information to know what the issue is and the best thing to do is keep calling godaddy until I find someone who knows how to fix this. So, after all that, my question is still the same, I need to get this plugin working regardless of php version.
Also, I tried editing this plugin to throw off the “deactivation upon lower php version detection”, but it just caused a white screen on front and back end, so I reverted.
Thanks again!
]]>I′m using the Hemmingway Rewritten theme and change the header image (customize->header…there I uploaded a different sample picture). Now I would like to change the picture back to the original header image of this theme. So I click on customize->header…
Under “current header” it says “no image set” (eventhough my sample picture is displayed on the blog). I click on the suggested picture (the normal hemmingway header image) and then on “save”. On the left side it says “your design has been published”.
Yet, when I visit my blog, my private sample picture is displayed…:(
But I want the Hemmingway image back….Thanks for your help!
Blog: translicity.wordpress.com
]]>Is it possible for me to delete (or possibly edit) the page titles as they appear on each individual page? I like the page titles as they currently exist on the main menu, but I was hoping I could somehow erase them from the actual page.
Let me know.
My original .htaccess file is:
# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /blog/
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /blog/index.php [L]
# END WordPress
When I log in to admin and simply click on the “Permalinks” link in the left sidebar (without changing anything) the .htaccess file is rewritten to this (took some trial & error to determine this):
# BEGIN WordPress
# END WordPress
After this, trying to access the blog (“www.mysite.com/blog”) results in the chrome message “This webpage has a redirect loop”. Also when I try to log in using “www.mysite.com/blog/wp-login.php” it does not accept my login but issues no error.
Once I restore the .htaccess file back to its original state, everything runs fine. Though, unfortunately, I obviously cannot change Permalinks settings with this situation
Tried to recreate this problem on another site I just installed (also 3.5.1) and the problem did not occur.
function. But the URLs will be rewritten behind the scenes to look like /page/1, instead of /page.php?id=1. So my question is, will WP Super Cache cache the dynamically generated pages page/1, page/2, etc., or would it only cache page.php once?
]]>I’ve tried one person’s trick of inserting a no-break space between the opening and closing tags, along with a myriad of other attempts to fool WordPress into keeping its hands off, with no success. It continues to remove the closing tag.
I can’t find a clear statement of which version is installed; I got the 2.03 from the bottom of the dashboard page.
Any help would be appreciated…
]]>What’s the best solution for this problem, I’m dead set on using friendly url’s for both directories.
Here is my htaccess for the forums:
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.example\.com [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*) https://www.example.com/$1 [QSA,R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^forums/.+/([^/]+\.html)$ /forums/$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule [.]*-vf([0-9]*) /forums/viewforum.php?%{QUERY_STRING}&f=$1
RewriteRule [.]*-vp([0-9]*) /forums/viewtopic.php?%{QUERY_STRING}&p=$1
RewriteRule [.]*-vt([0-9]*) /forums/viewtopic.php?%{QUERY_STRING}&t=$1
RewriteRule [.]*-vc([0-9]*) /forums/index.php?%{QUERY_STRING}&c=$1
RewriteRule [.]*-ac([0-9]*) /forums/album_cat.php?%{QUERY_STRING}&cat_id=$1
RewriteRule [.]*-at([0-9]*) /forums/album_thumbnail.php?%{QUERY_STRING}&pic_id=$1
RewriteRule [.]*-apic([0-9]*) /forums/album_pic.php?%{QUERY_STRING}&pic_id=$1
RewriteRule [.]*-apm([0-9]*) /forums/album_picm.php?%{QUERY_STRING}&pic_id=$1
RewriteRule [.]*-full-asp([0-9]*) /forums/album_showpage.php?full=&pic_id=$1
RewriteRule [.]*-asp([0-9]*) /forums/album_showpage.php?%{QUERY_STRING}&pic_id=$1
RewriteRule [.]*-aper([0-9]*) /forums/album_personal.php?%{QUERY_STRING}&user_id=$1