Recently I found a bug relating to group, row, and column blocks. The bug triggered if I tried to configure the aforementioned blocks’ style. It says “This block has encountered an error and cannot be previewed.” Here’s an image reference
WP 6.6.1, Gutenberg 18.9.0
Thank you for this beautiful theme.
]]>I am more or less happy with my Website. There are still some things too change, improve but it is getting better and better.
But now when I saw the mobile view of my site (opened it on my Android) I was slightly shocked.
Why does it look so weird?
How can I correct it?
Most critical issues:
The navigation (when I open the hamburger Icon) is on the very very right. That looks very strange..
Just to see some little edges of the cover pic looks strange too.
When I go to the page “Leistungen” the blocks are not in a good vertical row.
On the page “barrierefreie pdfs” the Block “Anwendungsbeispiele” here is also nothing in a vertical row.
Also strange: When I am on the starting page of the site, the header navigation (as mentionned above) looks weird.
When I go to some other subpage and open the header navigation from there,it looks normal!
Looking forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance!
BR Angelika
]]>Is there a way to center icons and remove decoration and space them in catalog view?
Is there a way to display icons in a row on single product? Can they be relocated in a block theme. The settings drop down takes no effect.
Finally: Add to Cart Button interfere with stock. Any way to fix?
]]>I have a problem with my first chart. I would like the graphic to take up the full width, but it doesn’t. I would also like the names of the columns to be all indicated (the years and not every other year). Can you help me ?
All the Best
]]>I do see this:
<section class="related products wt-related-products">
<h2 class="wt-crp-heading">Ook leuk... </h2>
<div class="products elements-grid wd-products-holder wd-spacing-30 grid-columns-4 pagination-pagination title-line-one wd-stretch-cont-lg wd-stretch-cont-md wd-stretch-cont-sm align-items-start row" data-source="main_loop" data-min_price="" data-max_price="" data-columns="4">
<div class="product-grid-item wd-with-labels product wd-hover-standard col-lg-3 col-md-3 col-6 first wvs-archive-product-wrapper type-product post-30850 status-publish last onbackorder product_cat-eettafels product_cat-eiken-eettafels product_cat-industriele-eettafels product_cat-ovale-eettafels product_cat-stel-samen product_cat-zazuhome product_cat-home-tafels product_tag-m2 has-post-thumbnail taxable shipping-taxable purchasable product-type-variable" data-loop="1" data-id="30850">
]]>Just to report a bug with Salient WPBakery. As you can see on this image, the scale is buggy. So, the row do not show at all.
If i desactivate your plug, it’s OK.
Thank you.