Towards the bottom of the post in the link I added, you can see the Previous/TOC/Next buttons and these buttons are currently manually added. Is there something that will automatically add them and sort by category?
I want something similar to the “Next post/previous post” button that wordpress automatically generates but specific to certain categories.
For example, every time I post something in the category “The Interstellar Male God” the button will update to the next post and only to posts in that category.
The reason I need this is because I post stories by chapters. I want to update two different stories, but want the buttons to only connect to the chapters in its own story.
Thanks in advance!
]]>// This function will only return posts that are related AND has ALL of the same categories.
function jp_only_rp_in_same_category( $categories, $post_id ) {
$category_objects = get_the_category( $post_id );
if ( ! empty( $categories ) ) {
$categories = array_merge( 'categories', 'category_objects' );
return $categories;
else {
return $category_objects;
add_filter( 'jetpack_relatedposts_filter_has_terms', 'jp_only_rp_in_same_category', 10, 2 );
Kind regards.
]]>would it be possible navigate through products only in same parent category…?
an example of what I want to get:
I have two categories named “parent cat 1” and “parent cat 2”. “parent cat 1” has two subcategories: “child cat 1” and “child cat 2”. the “child cat 1” has one “product 1” and the “child cat 2” has one “product 2”.
“parent cat 2” has only one “product 3”
the tree would be:
parent cat 1
child cat 1 > product 1
child cat 2 > product 2
parent cat 2 > product 3
by default, in the single product page, there are next and prev buttons, and you can navigate through all product.
I would want that when I’m in “product 1” (which belongs to “parent cat 1”) only could navigate to “product 2” (which also belongs to “parent cat 1”), but no to “product 3”.
can it be possible…?
many thanks
]]>Is there a way to show related posts only from the same category or subcategory than the post?
Thank you,
previous_post_link( '<div class="nav-previous">%link</div>', _x( '<i class="fa fa-hand-o-left"></i>%title', 'Previous post link', 'accesspress-parallax' ), TRUE );
next_post_link( '<div class="nav-next">%link</div>', _x( '%title<i class="fa fa-hand-o-right"></i>', 'Next post link', 'accesspress-parallax' ), TRUE );
In this way, the navigation links will point to the next and previous post in the SAME category of the post currently viewed.
(I’m a beginner in PHP, so I just tried to follow the codex and it works, if there is any better way to do this, please share it.)
]]>My not working code is:
$next_post = get_next_post(true);
if (!empty( $next_post )): ?>
<a href="<?php echo get_permalink( $next_post->ID ); ?>">prev</a>
<?php endif; ?>
If I delete ‘true’ it works
]]>I’m stuck with a problem building my wordpress website and I can’t figure out what to do about it.
Currently I’m showing 2 posts form the category ‘News’ at the page ‘News’. At the bottom of this page I want a Prev/Next button that shows the next or previous 2 posts from the same category.
So I was searching how I coud do that.
So I found this code:
previous_posts_link('Newer Entries ?')
next_posts_link('? Older Entries');
This displays a link like I was expecting.
But both links are not working (page reload, but same entry’s shown).
I also found this in this codex:
posts_nav_link('∞','Go Forward In Time','Go Back in Time');
Also at ‘Setting’ > ‘Reading’ I had set max posts to 2.
I don’t know how I can handle this.
Is there a way to show the next 2 (or ‘X’) posts from the same categorie when a button ‘Next’ or ‘Prev’ is pressed?
]]>On the Portfolio page when I navigate through the photo gallery it doesn’t stay within the category, but shows the previous/next post that was posted in any category.
Code in single-portfolio.php :
<div id="single-nav-left"> <?php previous_post_link('%link', '« Previous', FALSE); ?></div>
<div id="single-nav-right"><?php next_post_link('%link', 'Next »', FALSE); ?></div>
When I change FALSE to TRUE in the code above, I assume that is the setting for in_same_category ? (
Except when I do that the next and previous links completely disappear from the page.
How can I modify the code so that the Previous and Next links will show the prev/next photo in the same category?
The theme is using custom post_types with the name ‘portfolio’. I have 5 categories, plus 1 category called ‘all’. I’ve got the ID numbers for all.
]]><?php previous_post_link( '%link', '<span class="meta-nav">' . _x( '←', 'Previous post link', 'twentyten' ) . '</span> %title', TRUE ); ?></div>
<div class="nav-next"><?php next_post_link( '%link', '%title <span class="meta-nav">' . _x( '→', 'Next post link', 'twentyten' ) . '</span>', TRUE ); ?></div>
Here is the proof: (click on a single employee and on the ‘single-our-team.php’ the prev / next links only go to posts within the ‘our team’ category).
I tried this very same code (the very same set up) in a modified 2010 for WP v 3.3.1 and it didn’t work. NextI even uploaded the theme from the above site to this install of WP 3.3.1 and it didn’t work.
So then I double checked my posts to make sure they were assigned to just one category, and the correct category. Then I checked my categories. I found nothing obvious there.
So then I dug around and found this, used it, and it didn’t work at all (nothing showed up on the screen).
<div class="nav-previous"><?php previous_post_link($format, $link, $in_same_cat = true, $excluded_categories = ''); ?></div>
<div class="nav-next"><?php next_post_link($format, $link, $in_same_cat = true, $excluded_categories = ''); ?></div>
I’m still getting navigation to posts that are not in the same category.
I also checked to make sure that the correct single template is being used (single-news.php – I typed WTF?!?! a div on that file… so I know I’m uploading the change and it is using the correct template file).
FWIW – Both sites are hosting at Host Gator, and here is the whole bloody single-news.php source code with a screen shot of the posts list in WP