]]>I was just testing a couple of features, and I noticed something. When users delete their accounts, their comments stay (which is good) and their username goes away once I clear the username cache; however, when a new user signs up (same username or different one) using the same email address and adds a profile picture, all the comments associated with that email address (including the deleted account) show that profile pic. Is there a way to prevent that from happening?
Sorry, I’m not sure if that makes sense. Here’s a couple of pics:
This is what it looks like when wpDiscuz is deactivated: . The first and third comments use the same email address, but the first comment is the new account and the third comment is the deleted account.
This is what it looks like when wpDiscuz is reactivated: . The first and third comments use the same email address and the profile pic reappears for the deleted account.
Is there a way to add a piece of code to re-enable the default WordPress function or link the profile pictures by username instead of email address if that makes sense? There’s a pretty important reason behind this. I’m sorry for the trouble and any confusion
Thanks a lot, wpDiscuz!
]]>I currently have the store open also to non-registered users.
Unfortunately, however, a user can register for the event multiple times with the same email address.
How can I solve this problem?
Thank you
Plugin version: (5.1.3)
]]>According to the Codex (
Comment author must have a previously approved comment – Check the box to insure comments are only posted if the comment author’s email address matches the address of a previously approved comment, otherwise, the comment is held for moderation. Comments from blacklisted email addresses (those listed in the Local Spam Words Text Box) are held for moderation regardless of whitelist status.
However, we’re seeing that if a commenter enters a comment with an email address that has been used on a previously approved comment BUT their name is entered differently (say they used their first name on the first comment and their first+last on a subsequent comment), the comment goes into moderation.
The documentation clearly indicates moderation hinges on the commenter having an email address that matches the address of a previously approved comment.
Doing some research, I found a single reference to this from a thread in 2007, so this isn’t a new issue.
I don’t know if this is simply an error in documentation or an error in implementation. Any thoughts? And, depending on which it is, where should I report it?
]]>I have made the mistake of using the same email address with two different blogs, and, so now I can’t log in to the last one of them and I can’t receive a “forgot your password”-mail for it as it is connected to the first one.
How can I change this so that I can have different access log ins to either one? I have read that I can’t connect two blogs to the same account, even though it would be the best solution. But otherwise I would like to connect to the mail address [email protected].
Hope someone sees this
How would we be able to add sub-domains with the same email address? I tried to do that but it won’t allow me and displays an error. Is there a way or settings that would allow me to make multiple users/subdomains with the same email ?
I really need that ability.