I’m seeing 2 applications showing in my Square Dashboard account:
1. APIExperts WordPress ( WP Easy Pay ) Date Connected A year ago (Feb. 22, 2020)
2. WP Easy Pay Date Connected 2 years ago (Dec. 3, 2018)
Why are there 2 WP EasyPay apps and why are they switched to Sandbox mode without my consent?
When I go to switch it to Production mode, it won’t allow me to do it because of this error “There is a newer version of the Connect APIs available. Please consider upgrading.”
I set it to the latest API but it didnt allow me to Save (Save button greyed out)
What is going on? Am I even supposed to go in to Square’s Dashboard to modify anything? It seems you took the liberty to do so on my behalf and now the form doesnt even appear on the processing page of my website.
]]>PayPal SetExpressCheckout API call failed
Error Code: 10002
Error Severity Code: Error
Short Error Message: Authentication/Authorization Failed
Long Error Message: You do not have permissions to make this API call
When I read the error log it states this:
2018-07-28T19:29:07+00:00 INFO Redirecting to PayPal
2018-07-28T19:29:07+00:00 INFO PayPal for WooCommerce Version: 1.4.14
2018-07-28T19:29:07+00:00 INFO WooCommerce Version: 3.4.4
2018-07-28T19:29:07+00:00 INFO Test Mode: 1
2018-07-28T19:29:07+00:00 INFO Endpoint: https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp
2018-07-28T19:29:07+00:00 INFO SetExpressCheckout
Again, I’m using live credentials (I’ve doubled checked the text and blank spaces), but it’s directing me to the sandbox. I’m not using a CDN and I don’t have a caching plugin installed. How can this be happening?
]]>This must be a bug. Anyone know how to fix it?
]]>I’m the author of this plugin. I’m disappointed to announce that Instagram set this app to Sandbox mode, without notification – which has introduced bugs to this plugin.
Instagram did not inform me, but apparently they added a review process – after this plugin was created. Completing the review process is required to “go live” from Sandbox mode. I would have happily done this during development, however that process did not yet exist. I would have also done this before it was automatically set to Sandbox mode, had I known, but I was not notified of this new process or the switch that occurred. It was brought to my attention luckily when a user informed me that it wasn’t working.
As of June, 2016 all apps not reviewed (including this one) were turned to Sandbox mode (https://www.instagram.com/developer/sandbox/). This causes major bugs for this WordPress plugin.
Although my email is associated with my Instagram developer account, they did not send an email to inform me of this crucial info unfortunately.
I have submitted the app / plugin to Instagram for review, and will provide an update when it is approved and the plugin is usable again.
This is unfortunate as I understand there are probably many websites that will break that are relying on this plugin. Hang tight!
]]>Three quick questions:
1. I have it set to Free, login required – it shows the price is zero but it requires the person to checkout.
2. I have another problem:
– I just want to select “enable” for paypal email (payments settings). I don’t want select “Sandbox Mode”, but it is selected by itself.
3. Could I have more “Courses Page” available? I’d like to offer course in 3 languages. So, I’m looking for 3 “Courses Pages”. Inside each page I could add courses in their correspondent languages.
]]>I went through the steps in the Instagram API and that all went well, but Instagram says it’s putting all new clients into Sandbox mode from November 17th, 2015 onward. Each app that hasn’t gone through the approval process will be put into Sandbox mode.
The account I’m using says it’s not a sandbox user for any client, but that’s an Instagram issue and not the plugin (and might be the cause as to why images aren’t pulling into the plugin).
Instagram also says it won’t be accepting new review submissions until December 3rd, so I can’t try and get the app to go live until after then to try and get around the no sandbox user issue.
I’m posting this in case anyone has advice, work arounds, and for general knowledge for anyone also running into these issues.
Also, this plugin could sorely use some tech documentation.