in wp-config.php add define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true);
When creating or editing chart data and clicking Save & Show Chart, the chart will not update. Console shows this error:
TypeError: win.visualizer.update is not a function
Seems to possibly be a race condition since visualizer is defined after the condition where the update function is added to the object.
]]>After upgrading to WordPress 4.1, the visual post/page editor is not loading.
The text/html editor also don′t work.
All text in the text area of post/page are white over white background.
My problem is resolved with this step from:
Step 2: Enable SCRIPT_DEBUG
You need to turn on script debugging. Open wp-config.php and add the following line before "That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging".
define('SCRIPT_DEBUG', true);
Check to see if you are still having an issue.
Issue is fixed - turn off script debugging and report the issue on the support forum, telling the volunteers the you turned on script debugging and it solved the problem.
Also my problem is very related to this one:
What I’ve tried so far too:
I’ve tried disabling all the plugins, including renaming the plugin directory and ultimately uninstalling ALL plugins and making sure the plugin directory is completely empty. Hasn’t worked.
I’ve tried changing themes over to the Twenty “x” theme and that doesn’t help. I still have those problems on the default theme.
I’ve tried reinstalling WordPress 4.0.1 twice automatically (via my host’s script) and one time manually but that hasn’t helped. (I deleted everything but the wp-config file and the wp-content directory.)
I’ve tried it on various browsers (IE10, the latest version of Chrome, Safari, and the latest version of Firefox and Torch) and on several different computers and android tablets and the results are the same on each.
I’ve cleared all caches several times but no work too.
Only thing that makes the editors come back to work is enabling the SCRIPT DEBUG in wp-config.php
Is there a way to overcome this? To repair what error is this?
thanks in advance.
I am unable to switch between the html and text editors in any post or page, unable to access the Screen Options tab, unable to expand or hide any of the editing widgets, such as Publish, Revisions, Page Attributes.
Adding define(‘SCRIPT_DEBUG’, true); to wp-config.php file resolves all issues.
Please advise
]]>I’ve tried many troubleshooting tips including: deactivated plugins, changing to a default theme, doing a manual install of WordPress 3.6 and many other tips found in the support forums, with no resolution.
I went through script debug and now I have identified errors in Chrome’s JavaScript Console. I do not know what these errors mean or how to fix them. Please advise.
With the script debug in the config file, errors report as follows from a specific post page:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'value' of undefined jquery-migrate.js?ver=1.2.1:85
Uncaught TypeError: Object function (E,F){return new o.fn.init(E,F)} has no method 'parseJSON' aioseop_module.js?ver=3.6:3
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'backgroundColor' of undefined jquery.color.min.js?ver=2.1.1:2
Uncaught ReferenceError: wpListL10n is not defined wp-lists.js:1
Uncaught TypeError: Object function (E,F){return new o.fn.init(E,F)} has no method 'isPlainObject' jquery.ui.widget.min.js?ver=1.10.3:4
Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded jquery.ui.widget.min.js?ver=1.10.3:4
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'on' heartbeat.js:293
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'on' media-models.js?ver=3.6:858
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'on' wp-auth-check.js:87
Uncaught TypeError: Object function (E,F){return new o.fn.init(E,F)} has no method 'isPlainObject' jquery.ui.widget.min.js?ver=1.10.3:4
Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded jquery.ui.widget.min.js?ver=1.10.3:4
Uncaught TypeError: Object function (E,F){return new o.fn.init(E,F)} has no method 'isPlainObject' jquery.ui.widget.min.js?ver=1.10.3:4
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'closeOnEscape' of undefined wpdialog.js:2
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'Schema' of undefined wp-tinymce-schema.js:388
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getURI' of undefined post.php?post=2385&action=edit:1662
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'wpList' edit-comments.js?ver=3.6:1
Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'switchto' post.php?post=2385&action=edit:476
onclick post.php?post=2385&action=edit:476
<strong>When I removed the script debug in the config file, errors report as follows from a specific post page:</strong>
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
Uncaught ReferenceError: switchEditors is not defined post.php?post=2385&action=edit:463
onclick post.php?post=2385&action=edit:463
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'Schema' of undefined wp-tinymce-schema.js:388
(anonymous function) wp-tinymce-schema.js:388
(anonymous function) wp-tinymce-schema.js:940
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getURI' of undefined post.php?post=2385&action=edit:1530
(anonymous function) post.php?post=2385&action=edit:1530
(anonymous function) post.php?post=2385&action=edit:1562
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'add' of undefined load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=hoverIntent,common,admin-bar,schedule,wp-aj…load%5B%5D=ialog,wpdialogs,wplink,wpdialogs-popup,wp-fullscreen&ver=3.6:87
(anonymous function) load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=hoverIntent,common,admin-bar,schedule,wp-aj…load%5B%5D=ialog,wpdialogs,wplink,wpdialogs-popup,wp-fullscreen&ver=3.6:87
c load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,plupload,p…d-html5,plupload-flash,plupload-silverlight,plupload-html4,json2&ver=3.6:4
p.fireWith load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,plupload,p…d-html5,plupload-flash,plupload-silverlight,plupload-html4,json2&ver=3.6:4
x.extend.ready load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,plupload,p…d-html5,plupload-flash,plupload-silverlight,plupload-html4,json2&ver=3.6:4
q load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,plupload,p…d-html5,plupload-flash,plupload-silverlight,plupload-html4,json2&ver=3.6:4
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'hasClass' of undefined load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=hoverIntent,common,admin-bar,schedule,wp-aj…oad%5B%5D=ialog,wpdialogs,wplink,wpdialogs-popup,wp-fullscreen&ver=3.6:428
(anonymous function) load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=hoverIntent,common,admin-bar,schedule,wp-aj…oad%5B%5D=ialog,wpdialogs,wplink,wpdialogs-popup,wp-fullscreen&ver=3.6:428
x.event.dispatch load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,plupload,p…d-html5,plupload-flash,plupload-silverlight,plupload-html4,json2&ver=3.6:5
v.handle load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,plupload,p…d-html5,plupload-flash,plupload-silverlight,plupload-html4,json2&ver=3.6:5
x.event.trigger load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,plupload,p…d-html5,plupload-flash,plupload-silverlight,plupload-html4,json2&ver=3.6:5
e.event.trigger load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,plupload,p…-html5,plupload-flash,plupload-silverlight,plupload-html4,json2&ver=3.6:10
(anonymous function) load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,plupload,p…d-html5,plupload-flash,plupload-silverlight,plupload-html4,json2&ver=3.6:5
x.extend.each load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,plupload,p…d-html5,plupload-flash,plupload-silverlight,plupload-html4,json2&ver=3.6:4
x.fn.x.each load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,plupload,p…d-html5,plupload-flash,plupload-silverlight,plupload-html4,json2&ver=3.6:4
x.fn.extend.trigger load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,plupload,p…d-html5,plupload-flash,plupload-silverlight,plupload-html4,json2&ver=3.6:5
a.extend.tick load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=hoverIntent,common,admin-bar,schedule,wp-aj…load%5B%5D=ialog,wpdialogs,wplink,wpdialogs-popup,wp-fullscreen&ver=3.6:86
(anonymous function) load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=hoverIntent,common,admin-bar,schedule,wp-aj…load%5B%5D=ialog,wpdialogs,wplink,wpdialogs-popup,wp-fullscreen&ver=3.6:86
c load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,plupload,p…d-html5,plupload-flash,plupload-silverlight,plupload-html4,json2&ver=3.6:4
p.fireWith load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,plupload,p…d-html5,plupload-flash,plupload-silverlight,plupload-html4,json2&ver=3.6:4
k load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,plupload,p…d-html5,plupload-flash,plupload-silverlight,plupload-html4,json2&ver=3.6:6
r load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,plupload,p…d-html5,plupload-flash,plupload-silverlight,plupload-html4,json2&ver=3.6:6
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'canvas' of undefined load-scripts.php?c=0&load%5B%5D=hoverIntent,common,admin-bar,schedule,wp-aj…load%5B%5D=ialog,wpdialogs,wplink,wpdialogs-popup,wp-fullscreen&ver=3.6:54
GET 404 (Not Found) /wp-admin/
[Moderator Note: Please post log files between backticks or use the code button.]
Thank you!
]]>The Add Media button stopped working altogether. WP3.5 ran perfectly until this morning, when I tried to upload an image to the main website. The button was unresponsive. I have one main site ( and 4 subsites/subdomains. The 4 subsites all work well — Add Media button functions OK.
The main site error (logged on Safari; but shows in Firefox and Chrome as well) is this cryptic message: “SyntaxError: \u can only be followed by a Unicode character sequence.”
I turned on the Script debug feature in wp-config.php and the error was gone as long as the debug statement was in this file. Removing re-introduced the error.
I tried deactivating ALL plugins. No luck.
]]>I do have Bulletproof plugin running on Default so that should be okay too according to WordPress 3.5 Master List.
What I did find is that when I Enable SCRIPT_DEBUG it works fine. I’ve since turned of SCRIPT_DEBUG and it’s broken again.
Please help.