I have tried to test it myself and have tried to register twice with no luck. Models are emailing and saying they can’t register or have done and we don’t have any record of it.
If the model enters all information and no validation errors occur – model application come through ok, however if they have to select a smaller image or some info is missing, the registration gets stuck somewhere.
Is there a way to alert the user if a field that should be filled in hasn’t been and what messages can be added to the form to inform the user that there has been an error or there’s missing info? Would I need to add some scriptcode to additional settings?
Quick responses most appreciated!
]]>I’m also using a plugin called ‘Hide Related Youtube Videos’ and have left the same question in their forum but alas, no response. Just wondering if I could get any general help here more promptly.
Quick responses would be greatly appreciated!
]]>Problem is I’ve used the ?rel=0 part to the end of my youtube link yet the suggested videos still pop up at the end. How can I switch this off?
]]>Not sure if I’m posting this in the right place, if not apologies.
I have an issue on a website I’m trying to edit. There’s a image selection of models that are shown (the newest, uploaded ones are pulled through to the home page, which then link back to the individual profiles).
The thing is, I’m not sure exactly if it is possible for me to select which new profiles I prefer to come through instead. Eg. One Male and 2 females from the UK etc.
But this is the scriptcode I’ve found on the editor and I’m not sure what needs changing exactly (please bare in mind, I’ve taken over the site from the previous designer and the client is no longer in contact with them). Here is the script in question below,
<h2>NEW FACES</h2>
$query = new WP_Query( ‘cat=2&posts_per_page=2&orderby=date&order=DESC’ );
while($query->have_posts()) : $query->the_post();
<div class=”model”>
<div class=”model_image”>”><img src=”<?php echo get(‘images’,1); ?>” alt=”event agency london” id=”currentImg” title=”<?php echo get (‘models_name’);?>” height=”200″ /></div>
<Div class=”model_name”>
“><?php echo get (‘models_name’);?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
]]>Not sure if I’m posting this in the right place, if not apologies.
I have an issue on a website I’m trying to edit. There’s a image selection of models that are shown (the newest, uploaded ones are pulled through to the home page, which then link back to the individual profiles).
The thing is, I’m not sure exactly if it is possible for me to select which new profiles I prefer to come through instead. Eg. One Male and 2 females from the UK etc.
But this is the scriptcode I’ve found on the editor and I’m not sure what needs changing exactly (please bare in mind, I’ve taken over the site from the previous designer and the client is no longer in contact with them). Here is the script in question below,
<h2>NEW FACES</h2>
$query = new WP_Query( ‘cat=2&posts_per_page=2&orderby=date&order=DESC’ );
while($query->have_posts()) : $query->the_post();
<div class=”model”>
<div class=”model_image”>“><img src=”<?php echo get(‘images’,1); ?>” alt=”event agency london” id=”currentImg” title=”<?php echo get (‘models_name’);?>” height=”200″ /></div>
<Div class=”model_name”>
“><?php echo get (‘models_name’);?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
]]>i would like to add a custom field to the general settings page of wordpress for inserting google tag manager code:
add_filter(‘admin_init’, ‘my_general_settings_register_fields’);
function my_general_settings_register_fields()
register_setting(‘general’, ‘google-tag-manager’, ‘esc_attr’);
add_settings_field(‘google-tag-manager’, ‘<label for=”google-tag-manager”>’.__(‘Google Tag Manager’ , ‘google-tag-manager’ ).'</label>’ , ‘my_general_settings_fields_html’, ‘general’);
function my_general_settings_fields_html()
$value = get_option( ‘google-tag-manager’, ” );
echo ‘<input type=”text” id=”google-tag-manager” name=”google-tag-manager” value=”‘ . $value . ‘” />’;
I use
<?php echo get_option(‘google-tag-manager’); ?>
in the template for displaying. it’s working, but on instering code into the textfield it returns:
& lt;!– Google Tag Manager –& gt;
so the script code isn’t shown correctly…”<” becomes “& lt;” for example.
Can you help me to solve this problem