Do you know if there will be an update soon to address this?
Thank you!
]]>Message says PHP 2.4 or higher is required. **I am running 2.4 on my server** but still not showing plugin update available for newer version.
Have gone down to PHP v2.3 and back up to PHP v2.4 but no change.
sql command to insert the data into another table but I’m not sure how I’d initiate this or to ensure that only the relevant row gets moved/copied over?I’m a tad stuck! I’ve added SSL to other websites in the past following the same guidelines as before (adding privatekey, certificate etc..) but have never come across this issue.
Using Chrome on a new computer – Website appears on Google Search, however, clicking the link brings up a ‘This site can’t be reached’ error – The web page at might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
Using Safari on a new computer – Website appears on Google Search, however, clicking the link brings up a ‘This Connection is Not Private’ – This website might be impersonating to steal your personal or financial information.
I’ve contacted my hosting company and this was their reply..
After further investigation, it appeared to me that there are two instances of the website, and one of them is configured incorrectly. Both root domain and www – version are pointing to the same server, except the root domain works correctly with the SSL certificate:
Whereas the www – version of the website appears to have badly scripted or broken redirects:
This is a scripting issue, and the fact that the website is using a third party SSL that was not issued nor installed by ourselves. We are not eligible to advise on third party scipting, you may have to contact the original developer to fix that; alternatively, since it’s a WordPress website, you can install and activate a plugin called Really Simple SSL and there is a possibility that it will fix the broken redirects.
Please could someone shine some light on where to start with this error, please?
Many thanks,
I’m trying to add invisible reCAPTCHA to my custom forms, but the instructions for doing so aren’t making any sense to me. The front page mentions that I should add:
to my form before the </form> closing tag, but this code isn’t even in a proper <?php?> tag. I tried adding:
<?php do_action(‘google_invre_render_widget_action’); ?>
to my custom form HTML, but wordpress just comments it out when the page loads. I was under the impression that WordPress doesn’t support browser scripting anyway.
Can anyone tell me what I’m supposed to be doing differently? How can I actually enable this plugin for my custom forms on WordPress?
All the best,
and %%caption-no-tags%%
to split a full IG caption essentially into title and body for the WP post. I’m not a coder but is it possible to modify the example PHP to use $title;
and $body;
instead of $caption;
and $caption-no-tags
If not, might this be something that could be included in a future release? I ask because I’m assuming if I used the example shortcodes for deliberately modified content, this “overrides” the original intended use for these shortcodes and introduces potential unintended mistakes/erros in future posts. I could be wrong on this though…
]]>This is part of my bash script:
wp --allow-root --url=$URL search-replace $OLD $NEW
done < $SITE_LIST
I used the –log option and it worked as expected, but the log was 30MB, and not easy to parse the data of what changed.
Ideally, I would like to capture the following two bold lines from each wp search replace command as it’s run.
wp –allow-root –url=$URL search-replace $OLD $NEW wp_1_options
| Table | Column | Replacements | Type |
| wp_1_options | option_name | 0 | SQL |
<strong>| wp_1_options | option_value | 1 | PHP |</strong>
| wp_1_options | autoload | 0 | SQL |
<strong>Success: Made 1 replacement.</strong>
Is something like this possible?
]]>I have a rather complex form that must calculate pricing based either on a per-day or per-week basis depending on other selections. For my form, it would be super helpful if the plug-in could implement a basic logical operation like an immediate if, but I’m sure you’ve heard that
To work around the lack of an if test, I’m trying to perform my own calculations in JavaScript by hooking the wpcf7calculate function, as described in section 7.2 of your documentation, but it is not working for some reason.
I’ve tried both the supplied code, as well as wrapping that code in a document.ready function. Either way, my function never gets called.
I’m an old C# programmer, and new to JavaScript and PHP, so perhaps there is something simple I am missing?
Thanks in advance.
]]>Fields I don’t compile: regex, last_access, last_count, title
All the others are compiled by the script: id (increasing), position (increasing), group_id = 1, status = “enabled”, action_code = 301, match_type = “url”, action_type = “url” and of course the links in url and action_data.
But… The redirect simply won’t work. Should I assume that writing directly to the database is not the way to go? Isn’t there any way to feed this plugin a list of thoundsands of redirects?