Please Help
]]>Is there a way to slow down the speed at which the Woo Featured carousel scrolls, or to set a longer delay between scrolls? As it stands, it scrolls much too fast and is a real distraction and generally just an eyesore when one is trying to read anything else on the page.
Thanks in advance!
]]>Is there a way to slow down the speed at which the carousel scrolls, or to set a longer delay between scrolls? As it stands, it scrolls much too fast and is a real distraction and generally just an eyesore when one is trying to read anything else on the page.
Thanks in advance!
]]>I am trying to slow down the scrolling on Zerif-lite or to remove the momentum all together to suit my design.
I did learn a lot from poking around, like the smoothscroll script is really for following links, etc. but so far I had no luck finding the right setting.
Please help, many thanks!
]]>1) Does anyone know where I would tweak the speed of the scrolling?
2) Does anyone know where I would tweak the font style, size and color?
I would ideally like to make the font larger and maybe change the color to all black and possibly italicize the comments. And I would also like to slow down the scroll speed.