So the website url is and we use the theme Scrollider. All of a sudden our slides no longer show up on the homepage and the main navigation menu at the top doesn’t show up, but if you try scrolling up you see a sneak peak of it? Has this happened to anyone else?
]]>I’ve been struggling with adding the Blog page to my menu and then having my plog posts showing up on the Blog page. At the moment my posts appear only on the home page, at the bottom.
I am using the Scrollider theme.
My webpage is
Please help
Many thanks,
Help ~!
]]>what it looks like now:
What it should look like:
]]>How it looks now:
How it should look:
Any help would be greatly appreciated
I’ve got chrome developer tools on and I’ve searched for the tags/classes I thought it might be, but none of these seem to edit the area I’d like to. I’ve searched for the class “nav fl” then the id “main-nav” then I searched for “main-nav.nav.fl” & no results came up in my stylesheet. Can anyone advise? Am I looking in the wrong area? Thank you for your time!
]]>Very keen to use this theme.
]]>I am using the Scrollider theme from WooThemes along with JetPack comments.
There is no checkbox or message showing up at all in my comment form.
Do you have any suggestions for how I can get this to work?
]]>I am using a Woo Theme called Scrollider and in that theme they have a widget called Woo Feedback, right now we are using them as a testimonial section with multiple entries from different sources. There is supposed to be an image of the person beside the testimonial. Right now it is just the default mystery man image. The widget uses gravatars but the problem I’ve run into is most of these people do not utilize gravatars.
I need to insert custom images for EACH of these entries but do not know how to go about doing that.
I tried editing the widget-woo-feedback.php but that didn’t work, or at least I didn’t go about doing that correctly. I was going to edit line 109 but I don’t think that we correct. I’ve been in contact with Woo Themes but have not had much luck. So I am turning to you you all.
The site i’m working on is I have some other issues but lets just take this one step at a time.