Our records show that as of 1/29/2025, you were using a legacy SDK version on a production or Sandbox application that is not compatible with an upcoming update to our root SSL certificate provider for production and Sandbox API traffic on 1/30/2025.
If you do not update to a compatible SDK and push changes to customer devices by June 30, 2025, you will not be able to process requests through your PayPal Braintree production and Sandbox accounts until you make the necessary update.
Thanks for your time and help.
]]>“There was an error loading the PayPal SDK. Please provide the following details to your plugin developer.PayPal config: {“displayName”:”,”assetsUrl”:””,”environment”:”live”,”environmentNoNetwork”:false,”unvettedMerchant”:false,”braintreeClientId”:””,”billingAgreementsEnabled”:true,”payeeEmail”:null,”currencyIsoCode”:”USD”}PayPal SDK query: https://www.paypal.com/sdk/js?client-id=XXX_&components=buttons,messages¤cy=USD&enable-funding=paylater&vault=false&commit=false&intent=capture”
Any ideas what could be causing this? I saw that it could be related to cookies and cleared those but still no luck. I have also tested with a staging site that has all caching disabled but there was no change. The page seems to struggle to load fully with the blue load bar hanging across the top and then the error will appear after a couple of minutes.
Thank you!
]]>in your https://zoomdocs.codemanas.com/setup/ in point 5 of “setup app sdk credentials” (copy SDK key(Client ID) and SDK Secret(Client Secret)) don’t explain how to complete “redirect url for oauth” and “OAuth allow list”, which are mandatory fields.
please, can you help us?
]]>Process the message
* @param {JSON} message
const processInternal = (message) => {
const data = message.notification.data;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log('Hello, what is your User ID?${data.userId}');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log('Username: ${data.username}Welcome!);
module.exports = { process: processInternal };
]]>you have to update SDK version. Facebook SDK is now to v10.0 and give this standard code:
<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script async defer crossorigin="anonymous" src="https://connect.facebook.net/it_IT/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v10.0&appId=xxxxxxxxxxxxx&autoLogAppEvents=1" nonce="bYTQL8mC"></script>
please add a check option to include or not SDK code because more plugins can add this code more then one time.
thank you!
]]>What is changing?
The payments industry is moving to an authorization model for refund processing. Once this framework goes into effect, refunds will be preceded by authorizations to allow the card issuer to approve or decline before the refund is processed. Real-time processor response codes similar to those returned from sale authorizations will be provided in cases where a refund is declined. Refund authorizations will also appear on cardholder statements in real-time, to improve transparency.The update ensures we meet new card brand rules introduced by Visa, MasterCard, and Discover in 2019.
Here’s what’s changing in the background:
New SDK versions + GraphQL
While merchants on older SDKs than those listed above will still be able to process, instead of getting a decline code for declined refunds, you will receive one of the following two validation errors:
· Hard decline: 915200 -?Failed to refund transaction.
· Soft decline: 915201 -?Failed to refund transaction. Please try again at a later time.
Braintree puts the onus on the plugin developer but it’ll fall to us if that doesn’t happen:
Note: Third Party Integrations
If you’re using a third-party shopping cart to integrate with Braintree, your shopping cart provider should be making any necessary integration updates to be sure that you’ll be able to see the processor responses. Please reach out to your provider for more information.
Handling Declined Refunds
When a refund authorization is declined by the issuer, you will need to work with your customer to issue a credit via an alternative method outside of Braintree, such as a store credit or check.
Thoughts on this? Expect a plugin update?
]]>Does the plugin load the amazon sdk every time? Or strictly when needed?
Is the full sdk with the default loader provided by your plugin? We detect is another amazon sdk is already present and avoid to load our version but then when we need classes to interface the amazon ses service they result unavailable.
Thank you, Stefano.
]]>Thanks for the great work on simplifying Sentry integration in WordPress.
I received an e-mail from Sentry about using an outdated version of the SDK. This is for all of my websites that are using the WP Sentry Integration plugin.
Do you have any plans on upgrading the SDK soon?