Since in our language (Hungarian), there are several letters with accents on letters like, o, ó, e, é, ?, ?, etc. when you are searching for a word like “láz” works really well. But there are many occasions when users forget to use the accents (they a lazy to type on mobile devices because it takes more time), so they type “laz” instead of “láz”. Unfornutelly in this case the search field won’t find the word or the part of the word since the search term is not identically with the word in the table cell.
Is it possible to bypass or ignore accents when the search field is used?
Same as when you are using Chrome built-in browser search when pressing CTRL+F!
is it possible to insert a select tag to activate the search with the event of selection automatically?
The search should be started by choosing the selection in the select tag as a search term and automaticly handed over to the search field of Tablepress.
That’s what I mean by select tag:
I would like to select products according to certain criteria.
Each of which is listed in a specific row in the table and thereby could be chooseable as option in the select tag and as a search result.
Thank you for the great plugin and in advance for a possible answer.
Best regards
What can I do?
Many thanks for your help!
]]>I am trying to make the search field for comments under the admin menu search for
post_title and possibly post_content.
I found the function in the file: class-wp-comment-query.php and can see it only searches for: ‘comment_author’, ‘comment_author_email’, ‘comment_author_url’, ‘comment_author_IP’, ‘comment_content’.
Since the coloumn “post title” is shown in in the table, i would like for the search field to also be able to search for words from that coloumn. But i am having trouble making it possible.
to examine that, i switched to the parent Storefront theme and disabled all plugins except for WooCommerce.
and after following testings on my PC, Mac & android-tablet found out: it’s just a thing about browsers – especially on android
does anyone know some corrective actions?
configuration – wp & woocommerce & all plugins uptodate!
]]>little problem after now a long during process developing a new site with woocommerce.
: have suddenly found out that at the storefront-handheld-footer-bar there will no more pop-up the searchfield for the site-product-search above …!
but can’t remember what changing i possibly had did there – tried deactivating the child-themes css and function.php didn’t result any positive changes.
where i should look for to find what may make this problem?
(hope not to have setup completely new!)
hope there will be someone to help out please.
thanks a lot in advance!
alternative – how to delete the search there?
configuration – wp & woocommerce & all plugins uptodate!
site just not online while development
I have a multisite with about 100 subsites.
It is possible to post news posts on any subsites that the users of the main site wishes. But also on the individual subsites.
However, when I place a wordpress searchfield on the subsite, of course it does not search in all the news posts, because some of them were created from the main site.
Does anyone know if it is possible to create a searchfield that can search on the current subsite and also on the main site at the same time, so it will search in all the news posts.
Thank you
]]>Please advise.
Thanks you!