I found CSS code in another query to make the Primary sidebar show above the main content:
@media ( max-width: 768px ) {
#main { order: 2; }
#sidebar-primary { order: 1; }
And it does. So I tried the code below but it has no effect and the Secondary Sidebar content still doesnt appear:
@media ( max-width: 768px ) {
#main { order: 1; }
#sidebar-secondary { order: 3; }
#sidebar-primary { order: 2; }
All help appreciated! Thanks.
Thank you in advance,
Basically I’d like to have the sidebar toggle button available on both sidebars irrespective of screen width, and I’d like both sidebars to collapse at a bigger screen width than they currently do.
eg. Currently only the secondary sidebar collapses on iPad in landscape mode, and the primary sidebar stays open, with no toggle arrow, but I would like the primary sidebar to collapse as well like it does on iPad in portrait mode.
This is because many of my pages have a lot of spreadsheet data on them, so need the screen space.
Examples of layouts that this effects:
With these pages the body becomes too narrow if I have the sidebars fixed open, particularly on a landscape view tablet, but I would like the sidebars to be available.
I’d be happy to pay for the pro version if I thought that this could be done with that.
Nb. My old query was here:
Thanks for the great Theme – still learning here
]]>Alternatively is there a way to add the popout function to the primary sidebar, or make it narrower? I have a lot of pages that need the wider screen space, especially when viewed on a tablet, but it would be good to have a narrow or popout sidebar available on them.
Also, is there a way to have the sidebar arrow popout option always available – even on normal width screens? It only becomes available for me on my iPad.
]]>I thought I had the process to add a sidebar to an individual page sorted out.
From the page https://columbiariversewing.org/shop/ I clicked on Customize, selected the Widget (Reg Page), set Secondary Sidebar as the location, and added the contexts. The widget no longer shows “inactive” for this page, but I’m not seeing the Woocommerce Cart and Woocommerce categories as I defined for the widget.
What am I missing?
]]>.has-sidebar:not(.error404) #primary {
width: 70%
.has-sidebar #secondary {
width: 25%
@media(max-width:768px) {
.has-sidebar:not(.error404) #primary {
width: 100%
]]>Primary Sidebar widgets are OK.
Secondary Sidebar widgets show the titles in dark blue on the blue bar which means it appears that there is no title there.
When I pass the mouse over Secondary Sidebar titles, they dimly highlight as if you are to click on them. When I click on a title (which I do not want to do anyway) I am sent to an error page.
How can I get Secondary Sidebar widget titles to show properly?
My Site: https://www.riverviewpubliclibrary.com/
]]>On my site www.maartendemeijer.nl the secondary sidebar is where it should be on the home page (on the right) but it skips to the left in single post view.
I’ve noticed that in single post view the ‘previous post’ link and ‘next post’ link aren’t where they supposed to be as well: they appear on the right side while they should be on the bottom. Are these links perhaps ‘pushing away’ my secondary sidebar…?
I hope somebody can help with this problem. Please let me know if you need any CSS-rules from the theme I’m using to see what’s causing this skipping of elements.
By the way: I have a multisite installation and I don’t have this problem on my other sites (www.maartendemeijer.nl/improzaken and www.maartendemeijer.nl/brievenaanjan)
Kind regards
The Netherlands
]]>I added a Blogloving button to my secondary sidebar through following code in sidebar-2.php:
‘<?php if ( ot_get_option(‘sidebar-top’) != ‘off’ ): ?>
<div class=”sidebar-top group”>
<p><?php _e(‘Follow<script>(function(d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if (d.getElementById(id)) return;js = d.createElement(s);js.id = id;js.src = “https://widget.bloglovin.com/assets/widget/loader.js”;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, “script”, “bloglovin-sdk”))</script>’,’hueman’); ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>’
Now, the secondary sidebar top box has become slightly larger. Is there a way to make it smaller to bottom align it to primary sidebar top box?