I’ve a big question.
I’ve a form with this option:
Sex[id:cf_1082]#Please Select|Selezionare#Men|Maschio#Women|Femmina
It is a select box to select the sex. I’ve check the option required, but I want the user to select “Men” or “Women”. Right now, if user doesn’t select anything there is no error because the form use “Please select” as value.
How can I avoid it? Do I’ve to move to checkbox?
]]>When I inspect the selectbox in de web inspector from Chrome, I can see that the HTML attribute values ARE translated. But the text is not (it’s still blank).
I’ve tried removing special characters like the € sign etc. But that didn’t help. And I’ve also tried using just one character per option (A, B, C, etc.), but still no translation (just a blank option).
Seems like a bug. Please fix it asap.
]]>I have an issue with some forms, i believe its not the plugins issue, but i dont really know for sure, the select boxes / circles are not showing, if you click the link you will see what i am talking about.
Update, when i change theme to WP default (twenty twenty) select boxes / circles do show.
If you need any other info let me know.
Thanks for your help.
I just wanted to ask if there are any ways to filter based on user inputs such as select boxes, radio buttons, checkboxes. I have embedded data from an external GeoJSON which works perfectly. I now need to give the user the option to select categories based on a properties value such as “categories” or “topics”.
If there is possible please tell me how to do it.
Couldn’t find any answer in your docs.
Thank You!
]]>Thanks so much.
]]>I need to know about how to removing selectbox item. So, for example; I have 5 list option item and I remove one list option after a while. But all data is deleted in the submissions. How can I remove list option item without losing submissions data?
Best Regards
I want to use DataTables Multi Filter Select feature within TablePress but I can’t find any documentation or information on how to use it within my wordpress pages (https://tablepress.org/extensions/multi-filter-select/). I have already downloaded the extension and installed it via Plugins > Add Plugin and I can see the extension is listed on the Plugins list.
Is there any resource on how can I implement the feature to my Tablepress tables?
Thanks in advance.