By clicking on any of the images in this gallery using iPad Air 2, the formatting is all messed up. The top and bottom margins are incorrect. I got as far as thinking it is a @media setting issue but don’t know what code to change without messing it up.
How do I determine if it in fact that and not something else with the theme or compatibility with lightroom export? I am guessing it is a @ media (768?) problem. Unsure. Please help.
However, when I try again I just get the same error.
Can you help please? My site is
]]>My website was working perfectly fine till an hour ago. Now, it is showing an older version of the site updated till Feb 2015. Please advise what the problem could be?
]]>Here is what I know.
1. I’m using the latest version of (4.4.1)
2. I have a self hosted site via UNO Euro.
3. I have uninstalled all my plugins
4. I have just (again) gotten a new theme
The thing is, my site used to work fine, leaving comments, viewing old posts etc. Now there is an error every time someone wants to leave a comment or open an old post etc. I thought first that it might be the theme, but after changing themes 4 times and even buying a theme to get around the free themes (as I thought the problem might be there) I still have the same problems.
So now I have deleted everything from my site, I have scrubbed it down to just this one free theme (Adelle from Bluchic) but the flaw is still there, which means it can not be the theme (again) that is failing.
I’m willing to pay for support and I’m willing to pay to get help, the problem is, as long as I don’t know what it is that is wrong with my site, it is kinda hard to go and ask for help.
Can anyone in here might guide me a bit? Thanks you a million times!
]]>I have a similar problem to the one described by Jason Tyde in the thread “My Site entry remains after connected site deleted”.
I did not realize I needed to disconnect or deactivate Jetpack inside my “self-hosted” site (hosted on GoDaddy) before deleting that site.
So the domain name of my now non-existent site still appears under “My Sites” in my account. However, there doesn’t seem to be a UI option that will let me remove or break the connection from the side.
Is it possible for a WordPress or Jetpack “Happiness Engineer” to delete the Jetpack connection to the deleted site, as Ryan did for Jason in that other thread?
The domain name used for the defunct site was
Thanks in advance,
Alan C
]]>I have a similar problem to the one described in the thread “My Site entry remains after connected site delete”.
I did not realize I needed to disconnect or deactivate Jetpack inside my “self-hosted” site (hosted on GoDaddy) before deleting that site.
So the domain name of my now non-existent site still appears under “My Sites” in my account. However, there doesn’t seem to be a UI option that will let me remove or break the connection from the side.
So would a “Happiness Engineer” at be able to remove the defunct site from my account, please, as Ryan did for Jason in that other thread?
The domain name used for the defunct site was
Thanks in advance,
Alan C