Love the plugin. Works where I’ve had so much trouble before. Thank you.
I’m just wondering if you could help me though please. I can’t figure out why my notification emails are still coming from the default set ‘send mail as’ address (catering@) even though I’ve got it set in the WooCommerce send settings as ‘orders@’ and in Postman as the same.
]]>It is currently configured to send mail via the Gmail API but when I send a test email, it comes from the email address connect to the Google Developer Console and has no from name.
I have set the ‘From Address’ settings in the ‘Message’ tab of the ‘Show all Settings’ page but this appears to make no difference at all.
I have also tried setting email aliases (Google Apps) and send mail as (Gmail) but nothing seems to be change.
Please could you advise what I have to do to set a from email address and name?
Thanks in advance.
]]>I set Postman SMTP with Google OAuth 2.0 Client ID and it works very fine, but now the email address of sender it’s [email protected] and not [email protected]…
I’d like to send emails from my siteweb email address (e.g. [email protected]), what do I wrong???
Thank you!
]]>Question: I have a Google Apps for Business account, with my own domain name. Let’s say my mailbox hosted there is [email protected], and this mailbox also has an alias attached to it, [email protected].
I’ve set up the Gmail API using this mailbox ([email protected]) – however, I want Postman SMTP to send its emails using [email protected] as the FROM address, which I have added to the Message tab of Postman’s settings.
But when I send a test email using this configuration, Google seems to change the FROM address back to [email protected] – and it loses the friendly “Name” I’d given it in the Name field too. The email log shows that your plugin is using [email protected] in the From field it sends to Google, which means it must be Google that is changing this.
Is there any way, that you know of, to configure the Gmail API – or your plugin – to allow my alias address to be used when it is given in the FROM field? Is this anything that you, or I, have control over?
]]>Gostaria de saber o motivo do plugin n?o respeitar os dados (From) cadastrados no Contact Form 7, ele n?o entrega o e-mail com o nome e e-mail cadastrado no formulário e sim com o nome e e-mail cadastrado no Postman, eu gostaria que o e-mail fosse entregue com um endere?o de envio diferente do cadastrado no Postman.
Como eu fa?o para mudar isso?
]]>Is it possible to allow emails to be sent from multiple email addresses via SMTP (I’m using Google Apps)?
For example:
I have a Contact Form 7 form where the I would like to sender email to be : [email protected]
In another CF7 Form I’d like the sender email to be [email protected]
Yes. On the Message tab of the Postman settings, under Message From, you will see checkboxes for “prevent plugins from modifying this field”. Make sure they are unchecked. Then use Google’s Send Mail As feature to authorize the two emails you want to use, support and contact.
See previous answers :
]]>I installed this plugin so it can take care of the issue where all my emails are being marked as spam and where all emails contained the word via next to the from filed. I am referring to this exact issue –>
I contacted google as I am leveraging google business and their gmail for my email as such [email protected]. They indicated that my hosting provider Hostgator must change SMTP to authenticate using my domain and not hostgator. Hostgator doesnt want to do the change as its against there policy etc and not much of help.
So in that being said I installed postman and got it all configured and now my emails are no longer being flagged as spam as its leveraging google smtp which is great however when a user fills in a contact 7 form on my wordpress blog and puts in their email address when I receive the email and click on reply it is actually replying to the address that I setup as the “Envelop Email Address” with postman, its not replacing it with the sender email.
Any idea why it is doing that?
Thank you kindly,
]]>I am using Gravity Forms with WP Mail SMTP.
When I receive an email notification from the contact form on the website it shows the “From Name” as my site name instead of the person who is filling up the contact form.
Is there any way to have the name of the person show up?
]]>Sendmail suddenly stopped working so installed Postman, but both with gravity forms and the test email, I can only seem to send as the OAuth’d email account and name. Both the gravity forms settings and Postman’s Envelope/Message From settings just get ignored (but reply-to works correctly).
Is there any way to fix this? Thanks in advance.
]]>I have disabled WP-Mail-SMTP and after a few configuration and authentication problems I now have Postman SMTP running on port 443. Whilst configuring the account I used my own email address as I am administrator of the Google Apps email account and I now find that the emails (such as confirmations) from forms on the site appear to be coming from me rather than [email protected] as was the case with WP-Mail-SMTP. I have changed the Envelope Address and Message From Address in advanced Settings Messages tab but this has not resolved the problem.
How do I fix this problem please as I want all message conformations to be from [email protected] rather than me and the reply to address to be [email protected] as well?