I have found this to be a problem because my host provider “EasyWP” sends all correspondence related to the website to the default address on this line. I am trying to move to a new email address and am unable to change for the old address.
]]>What do you put is “Send to”, as it had to be filled.
]]>First Contact Form: WORKS
Second Contact Form: BROKEN
Plugins that use Email or interface with Contact Form 7:
Contact Form 7 Version 4.1.1
WP-Mail-SMTP Version 0.9.5
WP Job Manager – Contact Listing Version 1.0.4
]]>I am using 3.1.0 and just recently noticed that the plugin does not send notifications to users belonging the selected user groups in ‘Send to Users’ setting option, only to those who are listed in ‘Send to’. I know there are updates but this problem has not been mentioned so far, so I guess the updates also have this problem.
Best regards,
]]>For example, the form might look like:
From: [Enter email address]
Subject: [Enter text]
– General Inquiry
– Customer Support
– Billing
Body: [Text box]
Then the form would send the email to a specified address, based on the Contact selected. i.e. “General Inquiry” would send the email to [email protected], “Customer Support” would send the email to [email protected], etc.
Is there a way to manipulate the JetPack Contact Form to duplicate this feature?
]]>I have a large form with over 20 fields. The complete form is being sent to 2 recipients but I’d like to send 2 specific fields such as Name and Email to an alternate recipient.
]]>Hoping to not be too much confused…
thanks for every help!
Avendo una lista di centinaia indirizzi di ristoratori, vorrei fare in modo di inserire un campo “contatta struttura” e che questa possa aprire una form modale o simile con alcuni campi da compilare e poi inviare all’email (che potrebbe essere nascosta) di quel relativo indirizzo.
Quindi vorrei fare una form unica, e magari associare una classe o qualcosa di simile ad ogni email presente nella lista di indirizzi in modo che questa form venga inviata al link scelto da contattare.
Esistono plugin per questo?
Paolino Paperino
via Topolinia 313
sito web www.paperino.com
telefono 313313313
Contatta Struttura
tipo evento [on click then open modal form with title, object, send, mailto:[email protected]]