1 – Where do I configure the sliders timing? Which part of the code especifically I have to change to configure the time each slide stays on the screen?
2 – Also, about the services section, the person I’m making the site to, wanted to link not only the titles services, but also that white img behind each service.
Anyway, thankyou.
]]>This is a self-hosted site, on BlueHost. We are using the free version of this template. Thus far all of the customization has been done using the WP control/admin panel.
]]>I can not find a way to edit or better say change the “Morbi in sem quis dui placerat ornare. Pellentesque odio nisi euismod in pharetra a ultricies.” string.
It is in services section. There is a class called service title for which I set whatever value I have set and inside is a mentioned paragraph.
Have can I change that paragraph so that instead of “Morbi in sem quis dui placerat ornare. Pellentesque odio nisi euismod in pharetra a ultricies.”, says line that I want?
Where is that value stored? Which variable?
Thank you.
]]>I was wondering how can I prohibit the display of a text under services titles in “services” section on a front page?
The thing is it displays the text written on a page to which a service title links to.
I’ve tried almost everything and so the only thing I’m left to do is face of table.
I would be extremely grateful for your help!
]]>I searched the directories of the theme and companian plugin, but i wasnt able the find which code is responsible of encoding.
Can you tell me, what should i change to achive my wish to use HTML-tags in Subtitle field in the Services section.
Thank you very much.
]]>I’m using the Services section, renamed “Stories,” to display an image with a link to a page. I’m using a text widget with this HTML:
But, the image won’t align, you can see that here: https://carolramseyATX.com
This is super simple HTML code, but maybe the css is overriding the align=”middle”? How can I fix this?
Thank you for your time.
Carol Ramsey
]]>I haven’t dug much into this in my CSS file and thought I would just post this here to see if I had much of a response. Has anyone changed the homepage section placements? For example, I want the About Us Section to fall to the bottom of the page and move the Services section below my slider. Anyone know a quick way to do this?
Thanks in advance!