I started a website recently, and I found Hueman pretty interesting theme for it. I’ve been editing it, and today, the G+ button disappeared. What’s causing the problem?
I tried to detect the possible issue, but couldn’t find a solution for it.
I deactivated all the plugins, cleared the cache, tried with different browsers, and the problem remains the same.
The website is: https://healthsunday365.com/
]]>I’m currently running a broken link checker (https://www.brokenlinkcheck.com/) and most of my results are related to a section of code left behind from the Sharrre Social Media Sharing buttons, which I have disabled since first install of Hueman.
See example:
Can I remove the following lines from single.php (in a child theme)
<div class="entry themeform <?php if ( ot_get_option('sharrre') != 'off' ) { echo 'share'; }; ?>">
<div class="entry-inner">
<?php the_content(); ?>
<?php wp_link_pages(array('before'=>'<div class="post-pages">'.__('Pages:','hueman'),'after'=>'</div>')); ?>
<?php if ( ot_get_option('sharrre') != 'off' ) { get_template_part('inc/sharrre'); } ?>
<div class="clear"></div>
to get rid of these errors?
Thanks for your help?
]]>I disabled all plugins and found out that nothing changed with it.
I can only guess that it is somewhere in JS or jquery that states something specific for IE only – but so far no luck with finding it.
Also in IE the social icons are riding together with scrolling, in other browsers they stay fixed in one place.
I’m using WP 4.4.2 and Hueman 2.2.5.
Help would be much appreciated.
The source code actually shows all 4 DIV containers but e.g. the twitter container is rendered with a 0px height, that’s why it is not showing. Why is that? A bug? Where, in SHARRRE.php or elsewhere?
Also: different browsers show different icons: Chrome and IE/Edge seem to be similar, but still not showing all icons. Firefox shows different icons. That must be a flaw.
I can reproduce that error on different computers and even with the Hello World post. I don’t see anything I could control. I am experiencing this on more than one HUEMAN theme websites.
I am using WP 4.4.2 and HUEMAN 2.2.5.
Is there a trick? FYI, all my article have ZERO as count, so… in case the count has a meaning for the visibility.
I don’t see any settings to manage the visibility of those Shares.
Any hint?
First off, thanks to everyone involved with Hueman. It’s by far the best WordPress theme I’ve ever worked with! What I thought would be a month’s work is now going to be a week at most and unlike just about every other WP theme I’ve used, it’s been largely frustration-free!
I have hit one problem though: the sharrre bar disappears when I select my child theme. It’s there in the master version, but not in the child.
My child theme is the sample one, with a few of my own css tweaks. I’ve tried removing all my changes from the child theme to see if it’s clashing with something, but it still doesn’t appear.
I’ve tried copying over the sharrre js file into the child theme folder too in case it’s missing the connection but that doesn’t work either.
I’ve also tried different browsers/devices in case it’s a caching issue but it doesn’t seem to be.
Any ideas?
]]>I can’t find how to add other social media than facebook and G+ which are by default on the right side of my posts. For example I would like to have LinkedIn or Pocket but the customize option doesn’t appear on the “Theme Options” . I have downloaded the theme on the site and uploaded it via FTP but I can’t find how to add more sharing medias.
Can someone help me ?
]]>My website is here. You can check on both version – PC and Mobile.
]]>How can I add the SHARE button to my social buttons bar?
Right now it displays only FB Like button. It functions as a Share button, but doesn’t allow you to share directly to a Facebook Page or Group. I’d like to add the official FB Share button under the Like Buttton.
Example post with social buttons – https://jackgraal.com/pl/gry-filmy-seriale-jak-to-wszystko-ogarnac/
My share.php file looks like this:
<div class="sharrre-container">
<div id="facebook" data-url="<?php echo the_permalink(); ?>" data-text="<?php echo the_title(); ?>" data-title="Like"></div>
<div id="twitter" data-url="<?php echo the_permalink(); ?>" data-text="<?php echo the_title(); ?>" data-title="Tweet"></div>
<div id="googleplus" data-url="<?php echo the_permalink(); ?>" data-text="<?php echo the_title(); ?>" data-title="+1"></div>
<?php endif; ?></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Sharrre
share: {
facebook: true
shorterTotal: true,
enableHover: true,
enableCounter: false,
enableTracking: true,
buttons: {
facebook: {layout: 'box_count'},
share: {
twitter: true
shorterTotal: true,
enableHover: false,
enableCounter: false,
enableTracking: true,
buttons: {
twitter: {count: 'vertical', via: 'JackGraal'}
share: {
googlePlus: true
shorterTotal: true,
enableHover: false,
enableCounter: false,
enableTracking: true,
buttons: {
googlePlus: {size: 'tall', annotation:'bubble'}
<?php if ( ot_get_option( 'sharrre-scrollable' ) == 'on' ): ?>
// Scrollable sharrre bar, contributed by Erik Frye. Awesome!
var shareContainer = jQuery(".sharrre-container"),
header = jQuery('#header'),
postEntry = jQuery('.entry'),
$window = jQuery(window),
distanceFromTop = 20,
startSharePosition = shareContainer.offset(),
contentBottom = postEntry.offset().top + postEntry.outerHeight(),
topOfTemplate = header.offset().top;
shareScroll = function(){
if($window.width() > 719){
var scrollTop = $window.scrollTop() + topOfTemplate,
stopLocation = contentBottom - (shareContainer.outerHeight() + topSpacing);
if(scrollTop > stopLocation){
shareContainer.offset({top: contentBottom - shareContainer.outerHeight(),left: startSharePosition.left});
else if(scrollTop >= postEntry.offset().top-topSpacing){
shareContainer.offset({top: scrollTop + topSpacing, left: startSharePosition.left});
}else if(scrollTop < startSharePosition.top+(topSpacing-1)){
shareContainer.offset({top: startSharePosition.top,left:startSharePosition.left});
shareMove = function(){
startSharePosition = shareContainer.offset();
contentBottom = postEntry.offset().top + postEntry.outerHeight();
topOfTemplate = header.offset().top;
/* As new images load the page content body gets longer. The bottom of the content area needs to be adjusted in case images are still loading. */
setTimeout(function() {
contentBottom = postEntry.offset().top + postEntry.outerHeight();
}, 2000);
if (window.addEventListener) {
window.addEventListener('scroll', shareScroll, false);
window.addEventListener('resize', shareMove, false);
} else if (window.attachEvent) {
window.attachEvent('onscroll', shareScroll);
window.attachEvent('onresize', shareMove);
function getTopSpacing(){
if($window.width() > 1024)
topSpacing = distanceFromTop + jQuery('.nav-wrap').outerHeight();
topSpacing = distanceFromTop;
<?php endif; ?>
]]>How can I remove Sharre from the theme? An example is below.
]]>I’d like to use them instead – how can I achieve this effect?
example post on my blog – https://jackgraal.com/en/watch-dogs-review/