Please, can you fix this?
]]>Most of the table plugin doesn’t allow me to put a “time filter” on top of the table. Where people can select their local time zone and hole table time will change to their local time.
Any suggestion will help me a lot.
]]>is there a plugin that updates the content and published date of a single post? I tried revisionary but it doesn’t update the published date.
For example: i have 1 post published today, and i want to add some content to it and schedule it for tomorrow with the publishing date of tomorrow.
is this possible?
]]>i love this plugin and it works great for pages. But when i am sheduling an already published post it doesnt modify the date.
For example: i have 1 post published today, and i want to add some content to it and schedule it for tomorrow. The content is added at the scheduled time, but it doens’t edit the published date. It still remains at the date of today.
Why is this happening? And what is the solution.
]]>I’m new in wordpress and I would like to know if it’s possible to schedule a nemu. I’ve read many thing about it but not real answer !
To explain a little bite, I have a part of my main menu who need to be uptated when my new pages where published. I have schedule my page but I don’t know how to do with my menu.
Thamks for you help.
]]><?php $today = getdate(); query_posts('showposts=10&&orderby=meta_value&meta_key=horarios&order=ASC&post_status=publish' .'year=' .$today["year"] .'&monthnum=' .$today["mon"] .'&day=' .$today["mday"] ); while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
The problem is incompatibility with the server, as the post which would be published at 00:00 pm are shown much earlier.
My server uses the time zone -6 and I set my time zone WordPress (-3)
Thanks for advanced!
]]>I recently change my webhoster and now I’ve got a problem with my articles. Everythime I try to shedule an article, when the sheduled time is there, the article isn’t published. But I checked the wordpress time and date and it’s correct. And then it says that the shedule failed. I need your help, I don’t know where the problem comes from.
Sorry for my english.