Kargo entegrasyon süre?leri ve Woo entegrasyon süreci olduk?a kolay. Yaln?zca birka? dakika i?erisinde Woo ve kargo entegrasyonlar?n?z? ger?ekle?tirerek ilk paketiniz i?in barkod olu?turabilirisiniz. Hem Woo eklentisi i?in sunduklar? arayüz, hem de Kargo Entegrat?r uygulamas?nda sunulan arayüz olduk?a anla??l?r.
Di?er Gurmehub ürünlerinde oldu?u gibi destek ve sürekli olarak yeni ?zelliklerin kullan?lma sunulmas? da ayr? bir avantaj. Pek ?ok kargo entegrasyon eklentisi min?r güncellemeler alsa da Kargo Entegrat?r her zaman kullan?c?lar?na yeni ?zellikler sunmay? ba?ar?yor. Bunun haricinde ihtiyac?n?z olan ?zellikleri sisteme entegre etmek i?in de geribildirim topluyorlar.
Tek bir Kargo Entegrat?r lisans? alarak mü?terimizin B2B ve B2C operasyonlar?nda kullanmaya ba?lad?k. Di?er Gurmehub ürünlerinde oldu?u gibi Kargo Entegrat?r’den de olduk?a memnunuz.
]]>I’m experiencing an issue with the free shipping settings in WooCommerce, which I have configured to apply only for orders above €65 in Belgium and €85 in the Netherlands. However, customers can select free shipping for products priced as low as €7.25, which should not be eligible. For other products (such as those priced at €10.50), the free shipping option is correctly disabled.
The issue occurs on both desktop and mobile devices.I reached out to ThemeIsle, the developers of the Neve Pro theme that I’m using. We tested this with multiple themes, and the issue persists regardless of the theme. I also conducted a plugin conflict test by deactivating all plugins except WooCommerce, and the problem remains (this includes testing with different themes as well).
I’d appreciate any help or insights on how to resolve this, as it appears to be a recurring issue independent of theme or plugin conflicts. To me, it’s an urgent matter (I pay € 6,80 per shipment, so when a customer only orders for € 7,25 it’s a disaster for me).
Thank you for your assistance!
]]>first, thank you for the great plugin!
We use DHL shipment labels with automatic creation. When a label creation fails e.g. due to invalid address, we need the order status to change to a custom status, so the customer support can review the order and correct the address. We only could find a hook after successful label creation (woocommerce_gzd_dhl_after_create_label), but failed to find any hook that fires when the creation fails. Can you please help us or give us a hint how we could accomplish this?
Thank you in advance!
]]>Can you help me?
]]>Screenshots on wetransfer:
I don’t know why, have you got any suggestions?
]]>I don’t understand, I have shipping methods configured.
Can you help me?
]]>May i know what different between “Business and Residential” on Destination Address Type? and can we select the both type.
Thank you