I hope you can help me.
I need to know how to charge shipping per unit of product purchased with woocommerce.
That is, if a user adds a product to the cart, a shipping cost is added. (that is normal) But if you add two products (of the same product) that adds two shipping costs, three products, three shipping costs.
This is due to the nature of the product, they are water packs that weigh a lot and the shipping cost must be added for each pack.
How can it be configured? Or what plugin do I need to do that?
Thanks in advance.
]]>I changed the shipping costs of my online store from € 5.95 to € 3.95 but I do not see it in my Google Shopping Ads. I tried to follow your How to add Shipping costs to your Google Shopping feed but I do not see the correct shipping cost neither in Google Merchant Center nor Google Shopping Ads. Could you help me, please?
Thanks and best regards
]]>I need help, maybe somebody had/has the same issue.
all of a sudden the shipping costs are not calculated correctly. It is set that within a cart of 150€ shipping is free. for some products it is correct like this one for example:
? https://anotherbrand.de/product/sweatshirt-aloha-fluo-abricot/
this one:
? https://anotherbrand.de/product/shirt-mit-kirschen-fluo/
is not correct. settings are the same, i compared more than once. tried debug mode already, tried to set up new products and sometimes it is working sometimes not. Does anybody has an idea where to start rechecking everything?
thanks in advance.
I’m trying to find a shipping plugin that will also work in the backend when creating an order manually.
Is your plugin able to apply shipping costs to manually created, or altered orders in the admin area?
Thank you for your help!
]]>I’ m new to this support-forum and I say hello to everybody.
In my Woocommerce shop I sell bevarages per bottle.
I use table rates (using “Table Rate Shipping for WooCommerce”-Plugin, free version) for particular amounts (using 1 kg weight as 1 bottle, so that I can get along with the free version of the above plugin).
It works fine. i. e.:
But if a customer buys more than 60 bottles, I want to use a different method, namely:
How could I do that?
Many thanks
Hallo zusammen.
Ich habe in WooCommerce das Verhalten, dass im Warenkorb zwei Auswahlm?glichkeiten für die Versandkosten angezeigt werden.
Das Ganze l?uft auf dem Avada Page Builder mit dem reinen WooCommerce-Plugin.
Ich hatte zwei Versandklassen eingerichtet.
VK A) physischer Artikel: Versandkostenpauschale: 4,90 €"
VK B) digitale Lieferung: versandkostenfrei
Denn, wir haben zwei physische Artikel und einen digitalen.
Wenn nun einer der physischen Artikel im Warenkorb liegt, kann nach der Zwischensumme gew?hlt werden, ob man die Versandkostenpauschale ODER die digitale Lieferung m?chte.
Das ist so falsch, denn bei den physischen Artikeln kommen immer die Versandkosten dazu.
In den Artikeln sind die entsprechenden Versandklassen korrekt zugeordnet.
Würde mich freuen, wenn ihr hier weiter wisst.
Danke euch.
]]>I want to show the shipping options(By Default) without entering the address on cart and checkout pages.
Thanks in advance.
]]>I want to show the shipping options without entering the address on cart and checkout pages.
Thanks in advance.