it doesn;t work on this,undefined,miniature
but work on
so the problem is with filtered products
any help is appreciated
My name is Santiago, I am developing an eCommerce website with WooCommerce and I need help with the filters of the products in the shop page.
I need to be able to select more than 1 product category at a time. For example, if I want to see T-shirts and pants at the same time.
I’m using the theme WOODMART and the store page filter I am displaying with Widgets. For the categories use the widgets “Product Categories”.
How can I do that?
I tried creating a shop page from scratch but when i click on the category, this is what i get
]]>By default, WooCommerce creates a Shop page, but I have no use for this page. I’m using the Storefront theme, and my site is newly built with no traffic from Google (it’s set to noindex).
I want to completely remove the Shop page from WooCommerce, as I only need one homepage, which is sufficient. Here’s what I’ve done so far:
However, when I try accessing the Shop page URL, it still shows the Shop page instead of a 404 error!
I even tried using Rank Math to set up redirects, but now when I access a filtered page, it takes me to the blog instead of displaying the filtered product list.
For example, I want URLs that previously looked like this:
to appear like this:
I don’t want to use redirects. Could you please suggest the best way to achieve this setup?
I also asked this in slack forum but no one could helped me in this case
]]>It says “It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for.” which is understandable.
The problem is, the user can no longer try to search or filter by location because there is no more maps filter as it disappears as well.
Unlike in store list page, even there is no result, the maps remain there so users can try to search again other place. (I am comfortable copying codes like php if that is the solution, or else.)
]]>I notice my shop page goes empty too often – I have to go to WC settings an re-save ( without making any changes) and it pops up again?
What is going on here?
]]>Thank you!
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