I am using the latest version of WP, MaxGalleria Pro, Media Library Folders, and all other plugins on a DIVI site.
Thank you!
]]>I haven’t been on here for more than a month due to a medical issue, and I’m slowly relearning WordPress.
For the past few days, I tried to put posts on social media (both Facebook and Twitter) using the short URLs I get by clicking the green icon with a lightning bolt after I schedule or publish, and the posts themselves wouldn’t appear on either platform. Yesterday, I started using the complete URLs on social and they worked. I don’t know what’s wrong with the short (wp) URLs.
Also, this morning, I tried to add a comment below the post at https://thephillyfiles.com/2020/11/04/coping-with-traumatic-events/ and it wouldn’t work. (Pingbacks do work.) I tried on different browsers, while signed on and off, from the dashboard, and then I wrote to the theme people. They said it’s Jetpack but I checked and everything should be in order.
Maybe there’s a connection between the two issues. Please help.
Thank you!
Lenny Cohen
I want to change the plugin so that I can replace <single letter> with longer words. However, this change creates a problem in url redirection.
The plugin defines the rewrite rules as
public function rewrite_rules( $wp_rewrite ) {
$hum_rules = array(
‘([a-z](/.*)?$)’ => ‘index.php?hum=$matches[1]’,
$wp_rewrite->rules = $hum_rules + $wp_rewrite->rules;
I tried to change [a-z] to allow for instance ‘video’ but my problem is when I define the rules to allow domain.com/video/xyz, the rewrite rules start conflicting with my post urls which are domain.com/video/<post-slug>. If I try to define short url as domain.com/vid/xvy and update the rules in the above function accordingly then it just works fine.
I am using custom structure for permalinks as /%category%/%postname% and my .htaccess is
# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress
Anyone has the idea how can I solve this?
]]>All of my images and some of my pages are still using the temp URL that was setup for me to build my site on.
www.geminimoonmosaics.com is my site.
The best they could do was tell me that I needed to configure whatever plugin I am using for my pictures to the correct domain. I have no plugins enabled. I do not know what to do. Any help would be appreciated.
I am using the Divi theme from Eleganthemes.
]]>1 – I’m using a YOURLs plugin to replace the wp.me URLs with my own custom URLs. Publicize is set to post to Facebook and Twitter. The custom short URLs are used for Twitter but not for Facebook.
2 – Clicking the share buttons on any given post results in a 404 not found.
Any help on either of these 2 issues would be greatly appreciates.
]]>NEXTSCRIPTS, please make an option to use this. I have YOURLS plugin make shortlinks for me and it stores it in a way that I can access it through wp_get_shortlink. Can I have an option to use that instead. Your option keeps recreating it everytime its republished and I don’t know how to access it to show on my post page.
Page – NextScripts_SNAP.php
Line – 1791 (or just search the code for that line below)
// Use wp_get_shortlink($postID) to Show my SMALL URL!
// Old Line below kepy for backup purposes
//if (preg_match('%URL%', $msg)) { $url = get_permalink($postID); if($addURLParams!='') $url .= (strpos($url,'?')!==false?'&':'?').$addURLParams; $nxs_urlLen = nxs_strLen($url); $msg = str_ireplace("%URL%", $url, $msg);}
// New Line below uses wp_get_shortlink instead or permalink. Make sure your wp_get_shortlink works 1st before you do this.
if (preg_match('%URL%', $msg)) { $url = wp_get_shortlink($postID); if($addURLParams!='') $url .= (strpos($url,'?')!==false?'&':'?').$addURLParams; $nxs_urlLen = nxs_strLen($url); $msg = str_ireplace("%URL%", $url, $msg);}
// Use wp_get_shortlink($postID) to Show my SMALL URL!
]]>The main website is TheLocalMiami.com
I bought LocalMiami.co because it’s shorter and want it to forward to TheLocalMiami.com
However I want LocalMiami.co to be used for the custom short domain url and I’m not sure how to go about doing this. Do I need to add forwarding to LocalMiami.co so that it goes to TheLocalMiami.com?
I’ve already changed the A record to point to bit.ly, but since there’s nothing ON LocalMiami.co (it’s all on TheLocalMiami.com) it’s not working.
What technicality am I missing?