I’ve been using the plugin on my localhost site all fine, but now I have installed it on my live site. The settings are accessible in the Settings | Custom Content submenu on the lefthand side of the admin screens, but there is no Shortcodes menu to access the shortcodes. I have deactivated then activated the plugin in case that made a difference, but it did not.
I appear to be using the same other plugins in both environments, so can you suggest how to resolve this – apart from switching off every plugin to see what is conflicting ie are you aware of any conflicts that have occurred in the past etc.
]]>I need to use the HTML shortcodes Custom Content Shortcode provides but the [table]
shortcode from this option interferes with TablePress’ shortcode which also uses [table]
Is there a way to allow both shortcodes to work?
]]>When I put the shortcode on this page, it causes the Calculated Fields Form shortcode to fail.
Is there a way to get the shortcodes to play well together?
Why is that?
]]>I love your plugin!
There seems to be a conflict with the Transposh translation plugin.
The two used to get along perfectly but something must have changed earlier this year.
When my page contains both WP Snippets shortcodes and Transposh shortcodes, the Transposh shortcodes fail to execute.
I have disabled WP Snippets for now but I would be very happy if you could determine a workaround. Perhaps you could provide an alternate syntax for calling a snippet that doesn’t conflict with Transposh.
Thanks much,
]]>We recently added this plug-in to our site and afterward noticed that the text on any of our website button graphics generated by shortcode were no longer centered on the button, but pushed off to the right. If I deactivated your plugin, the text re-centered properly.
We had contacted our theme support who pinpointed the issue and offered the suggestion shown below — they determined that this code in your plug-in was the culprit:
The plugin css file –> https://ourwebsitename.com/wp-content/plugins/easy-facebook-likebox/public/assets/css/public.css
And suggested the following change to resolve the problem — edit/remove the following css code:
.responsive, .responsive span, .responsive span iframe[style], .responsive span img {
width: 100% !important;
replace with this:
.fb-like-box.responsive, .fb-like-box.responsive span, .fb-like-box.responsive span iframe[style], .fb-like-box.responsive span img {
width: 100% !important;
The reasoning concluded that due to many themes now using .responsive with span elements, that a 100%important setting could easily affect other plugins too, not just yours, possibly negatively — therefore better to code to your own plugin’s container to keep isolated and avoid potential problems inadvertently caused elsewhere in responsive themes.
Their suggestion did solve the problem we had.
Thank you again for your continued developer support and awesome plugin!
]]>Thanks so much.
]]>however, when i installed and activated Slideshow-Gallery plugin, my slideshow stopped working.
i’m sort of new to using shortcodes and wonder if 2 different plugins that use shortcodes would conflict with each other. when i deactivate Column-Matic, my slideshow works.
here is the url to my site, specifically the slideshow page.
the site only has 2 plugins activated: Column-Matic and Slideshow-Gallery.
thanks in advance for any thoughts.
jan w
]]>If I change the Gallery to “default” (non-tiled) the YouTube embed is appropriately sized.
Seeing this across multiple browsers and I’ve tried multiple different themes. Definitely a conflict between the embed code and the Gallery type.
Anyone else experiencing this and/or have advice on fixing it (w/o stumbling around for other video and/or gallery plugins)?