I have the latest version of WordPress and SI CAPTCHA installed.
Best Regards.
]]>What directory is si-captcha trying to access? In the plugins subdirectory I have captcha/cache and it is all 777 permission.
]]>The directories’ ownerships are the same as akismet (another plugin there): 755. The files’ permissions are read for all.
I have moved all plugins out of the plugins directory and then moved them back in, one at a time, starting with si-captcha-for-wordpress. I still don’t see it.
Is there something I’m missing? I don’t even see the “Add Plugins” menu item on the Plugins page, so I can’t add it from the website.
]]>Has anyone an idea how to solve this? I run into a bit of a hiccup sort of say
]]>If someone type a wrong CAPTCHA in comment form, they will see an error message in https://your-wordpress-install/wp-comments-post.php. It would be great if they could see this error in the post page, but it seems that it needs a lot of hacking.
So, to “solve” this problem I made a little hack. Around line 711 In “wp-content/plugins/si-captcha-for-wordpress/si-captcha.php”, I changed
wp_die( "<strong>$error</strong>: $validate_result");
for this
wp_redirect( get_permalink($_POST['comment_post_ID']) ); exit;
The user will not see a error message, but at least they will be redirected to the post page (and your page layout will not “break” in to wp-comments-post.php).
I hope this can help you guys. Any comments and suggestions are welcomed.
]]>I have set up a new blog with WordPress 4.0.1 using JetPack with SI-Capchas.
Problem: there are no capchas displayed when sending a comment, so I get “ERROR: Empty CAPTCHA”. Consequently, comments are not working.
When I deactivate the captcha in comments, everything is working.
How to solve that issue?
]]>I’m having problems integrating a captcha for this plugin.
I’ve switched to default themes, deactivated all plugins. SI Captcha seems to work for standard registration at /wp-register.php, however I can’t figure out how to integrate it for the front end forms.
All plugins and WP are up to date.
I’ve tried using your shortcodes as well as echo do_shortcode(). Both have been unsuccessful.
Is there a filter I could include for your plugin or something similar?
I would appreciate any help anyone could provide.
Thank you,
]]>Here’s the fix (add it to your theme’s functions.php file):
// Let's try some anti-spam on user registration
add_filter( 'woocommerce_process_registration_errors', 'op_woocommerce_sicaptcha_registration_filter' );
function op_woocommerce_sicaptcha_registration_filter($errors) {
if (class_exists('siCaptcha')) {
$si_image_captcha = new siCaptcha();
$errors = $si_image_captcha->si_captcha_register_post($errors);
Basically, we’re just telling WooCommerce to check for SI CAPTCHA errors before processing the registration form.
]]>I installed Si-Captcha on on 3 separate WordPress 3.9.1 installs yesterday and I kept getting the same red “Danger Malware Ahead” page in Google Chrome/Chromium that requires me to proceed at my own risk. It happens when I visit the Si-Captcha page for the first time. It says:
Danger Malware Ahead~
Chromium has blocked access to this page on…
Content from themefuse.com, a known malware distributor has been inserted into this web page.
Has anyone seen this? Is Si-Captcha using anything from themefuse.com?
I did do a scan of the site with Wordfence and found nothing. Now I’m reviewing the site to be sure.
Any ideas?
]]>On my polish site plugin is in english language. I have “define(‘WPLANG’, ‘pl_PL’);” in wp-config. Could you help me with this, please?