So if I wanted to execute a script in that folder, what would be the path, when I add custom html to a page?
“../cgi-bin/” doesn’t work.
]]>I’m having an issue with restore from url on my site that’s not yet live. After trying the RESTORE FROM URL I got this new message:
“The plugin encountered an error while extracting the zip file using the PclZip library,the following error message was returned:
Error Message : PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature
Temporary files created in **SITE-ROOT**/wp-content/wpclone-temp will be deleted.”
Thank you.
]]>Also, when WP Clone is activated it makes other plugins not work right.
When do you expect to have this working?
]]>I have dome this exercise previously for other sites and followed the Codex – Giving WordPress Its Own Directory but it does not seem to have worked.
I have been going backwards and forwards with the index.php and .htaccess files now for about 24 hours so and seem to have tried about every combination + got myself completely confused as to what the original state would be.
Can anyone assist in getting my set up right and/or should I just reinstall WordPress and start again?
I have my website and WordPress installed on a Linode server running Ubuntu.
The directories are:
~/public_html – Website
~/public_blog – WordPress installation
My DNS and site config is set up so that: – Points to website in ~/public_html – Points to WordPress install in ~/public_blog
Site config as follows:
<VirtualHost 123.456.789.000:80>
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot /home/user/public_html/
ErrorLog /home/user/log/error.log
CustomLog /home/user/log/access.log combined
<VirtualHost 123.456.789.000:80>
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot /home/user/public_blog/
ErrorLog /home/hashbang0/log/blog_error.log
CustomLog /home/hashbang0/log/blog_access.log combined
Now, I have had enough of tinkering with PHP, HTML, etc. I want to move my WordPress installation so that visitors to see the WordPress site. At the same time, anyone with links to the old (most notably RSS links and a few links on StackOverflow, etc.) shouldn’t be cut off.
I’m guessing I could adjust the first part of my site config to:
<VirtualHost 123.456.789.000:80>
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot /home/user/public_blog/
ErrorLog /home/user/log/error.log
CustomLog /home/user/log/access.log combined
And everything will be well?
Should I look at changing directories or putting some redirect in place for the future? Or would running a small, personal, site like this be OK?
I have installed a blog for a friend in the subdirectory /wordpress
but want it to powered by the site root
While doing the required changes, I must have done something wrong, because now, the site isnt available under the main domain. Instead you can find the main page still under the /worpress URL, but also no further content, and the layout changed as well (font size of navigation for instance)!? what’s happening?
please help! I’m not a pro and appreciate any assistance!
thanks a million in advance!
In more detail, here is what I did:
according to these instructions:
– I changed the site address to the root directory’s URL ( in the WP-Panel
– using my ftp-client, I copied the index.php file and changed the “require”-line as required
I didnt do anything with a .htaccess file though. As far as I know, I dont use permalinks and therefore the file is not existing. only have a htaccess-Datei.txt in my root directory (?)
I hope that helps.
]]>I got to a point where I was pretty happy with the WordPress site and decided to move it to the site root.
I was following these ‘Moving WordPress’ instructions and perhaps pressed ‘Save’ too early on the General Settings page of the WordPress admin section — my site root came up with a bunch of PHP errors.
Because all the WordPress files were still in the ‘/new/’ folder I decided to move them to the site root, thinking that’d solve things. The first thing to move was the .htaccess file which I’d forgotten about — I remember looking at it a couple of days back and it having some info about the ‘/new/’ folder. As soon as that went to the site root, I couldn’t move, edit, upload or delete anything else in the site root! I’ve never had this before… What can I do?
]]>Now what do I do to make be the root of the blog? In otherwords, they come to the site and they’re in the blog.
Thanks in advance.
]]>So I’ve installed WP at my site, and I’d like to do something similar to what can be found at
– Use a WP static page at my site root
– Have other pages below the root, such as /about etc.
– Have my blog at /blog
First of all, is this possible? Second of all, I may have misunderstand just how WP is being utilised at the above website, but what I’ve described is what I’d like to do, if possible.
(Originally I tried having WP at my site root, but I would like to have a more interesting page there; then I tried moving my blog to /blog and just redirecting from the root in the meantime; then I realised that I could only have static pages below /blog, which didn’t make a lot of sense.)
Hope you can help.