I just noticed that my homepage slider isn’t working. I think it was working just last week.
Any idea why this might be happening? I did just update the flash theme widgets as well but that didn’t help.
Any assistance in getting it working again would be appreciated.
Since a little while I’ve noticed the slider doesn’t work anymore.. Could you please help, this is an urgent matter as I’m launching the website next week..
PHP : 7.4
WP : Latest
Plugin : Latest
I’ve created a slide presentation using LayerSlider WP. The text works fine however; the images do not. I have two images and 3 sentences in this slide https://www.tubinaday.ca/gallery/.
You’ll notice at the end of the third sentence a new image should appear but does not. If you look closely you can see the image attempting to over take the first image but unable to. You’ll notice a transition attempting to replace the first image (Green tub). It should be replaced with a pink tub at the end of the slide presentation and remain there for another 4-6 seconds however’ this image does not fully replace the GREEN TUB although you can see it trying to come in.
My questions are:
1) Is there anything wrong here, or a change that I can make. If so what change do I make?
2) does this LayerSlider WP plugin/App not support multiple images?… In the back end it does allow me to add as many images I need in a single slide presentation but only shows the first. Is this plugin not capable of showing multiple images in the front end?
I’m not a technical guy so if I’m doing it wrong please dumb it down for me what I need to do to accomplish this.
If needed I’ll be more then glad to share with you all the setting in the back-end.
Much appreciation in advance.