How can I fix this?
Thanks in advance!
]]>Normally when I’m working in html I like to separate each line of code so I know what I am looking at. For example:
<ul >
<li ></li >
<li ></li >
</ul >
With the new Gutenberg editor it gets rid of every space that I have and pulls it into one blob of code. When I try to separate the code and then press save it automatically reverts back to the blob of code.
This is frustrating to me because I want to be able to go into the code and quickly know exactly where I am when I am not using the visual editor. Is there something I am missing? Is there a way to lock the type so that is conforms to the spacing I have given it?
]]>I’d like to adjust the space in a few areas of the layout. I’ve tried putting in CSS code I’ve found on forums and none of it’s worked. Here’s what I’m trying to do:
Reduce spacing between header image and menu
On blog page, reduce space between featured image, date, and content summary of post.
I posted this on another post already, but still can’t get my social media icons to show up underneath my posts.
Thank you to anyone who can help!
]]>I have searched for the answer to this, and even tried adding some css code to my site to reduce spacing, with no avail. The website is:
There just appears to be way too much white space.
Thanks in advance!
]]>This also doesn’t happen all the time. As I was adding posts, I noticed sometimes a column would collapse at a point, and other times it won’t. I’m at a loss for what is causing it. I know it’s not the thumbnail images because it has the same spacing problem at the same spots in the grid even when I remove the featured thumbnail from the post entirely. As far as I can tell, all the posts have identical settings.
Please take a look at this page and notice how the second thumbnail under “Projections” has no spacing:
Before I added the post beneath it, “Shorts,” all the thumbnails that followed in the second column in “Sketch & Series” collapsed into the first column too. When I added the “Shorts” post, the “Projections” thumbnail remained collapsed, but it fixed all the thumbs in the second column that followed.
There are no anomalies in the parsed code, and I can’t find anything in the theme style.css that affects any aspect of thumb or column spacing.
Please help!
I’m trying to add an empty line using the
and <p/> tag but it doesn’t not seem to be getting added.
It is needed so i can some headings and the associated logo’s beneath however currently they all seems to be just getting displayed one after another.
The problem occurs approximately halfway down the following page:
Can anyone help me fix this issue?
I would like to remove those bullets but keep the formatting of the words (the same size and the color you see now).
The page is coded however — it’s not as simple as just removing the bullet points. That’s where I need help in what to do next.
The bulleted section is marked off by <span> tags. When I remove the <span> tags, the bullets go away and when I add an H3 tag, the font is the size and the color I want it to be.
However, there is a double line space in between each of the words.
As an example it looks like this when I remove the <span> tags:
International Assignments
Expatriate Risk Management
Workplace Diversity
I just want single spacing. And not sure how to get that single spacing.
This is the code on the page:
<div class=”col four start-row”>
<div class=”tt-element”>
<div class=”tt-column_service”>
<div class=’tt-cs-container’>
<h3 class=’tt-element-title’>/intercultural-training-consulting/corporate/” target=””>Corporate Training</h3>
<!–<div class=”imagewrap”> <img src=”<?php bloginfo(‘template_url’);?>/images/Intercultural.jpg” alt=”” /></div>–>
<div class=”imagewrap”>/intercultural-training-consulting/corporate/” target=””><img src=”<?php bloginfo(‘template_url’);?>/images/CORPORATE-PROGRAMS.jpg” alt=”” /></div>
<!–<p class=”pp_txt”>Our corporate offerings include training in the areas of:</p>–>
<p class=”progarm”>
<span>/intercultural-training-consulting/corporate/”>International Assignments</span>
<span>/intercultural-training-consulting/corporate/”>Expatriate Risk Management</span>
<span>/intercultural-training-consulting/corporate/”>Workplace Diversity</span>
]]>Immediately following the update, the static front page added the right column widgets (which I want) and added a huge space between the image/copy and the right column widgets – almost as if it is now 2 columns wide (but it is not).
Can anyone help?
I had my site in “maintenance mode” but will pull the launch page for the time being so you can see it here: