"origem":"Automa??o Site",
But my [_url] tag doesn’t work, I’ve tested it before by sending the form result to my e-mail and it works as expected. I’ve tried to insert the tag in the specific special mail tag field like this:
Test 1[_url]
Test 2[_url link]
But both tests didn’t work either, probably because I have a custom body. Any tips on how to use special mail tags with custom body?
]]>If there is a way to include the {url] Special Mail Tag as a hidden field with that submission, I could easily map it to the lead-source field in SF, but if there is a way to submit the tag as a hidden field, it’s escaping me.
Any ideas?
Alternatively, any other methods you’re using to capture referring URL directly into a source field in Salesforce?
Many thanks.
]]>I’m using the _date Special Mail Tag successfully but how can I format the date to be YYYYMMDD please?
]]>instead of sending the current page url, it sends
[domainname] = site url
[form-id] = the id of the form; eg. 4181
For an unknow reason, our site was running version 4.8-dev
Perhaps this version was accidentally pushed?
I rolled back to an earlier version 4.7.4 and it seems to work ok again.
]]>I have a page with contact form.
I want to get the post id of the page and include that data in the mail using the hook before send:
function modify_wpcf7_before_send_mail ( $components, $number ) {
$components[ ‘body’ ] .= get_the_ID();
return $components;
add_action(“wpcf7_mail_components”,’modify_wpcf7_before_send_mail’, 10, 2 );
Replacing the subject and recipient works for me but getting the post id is giving me an empty value.
]]>Am using Contact Form 7 and was able to use speacial mail tag such as [_post_name], [_post_title] and [_date] with my old theme.
However it is not working when i changed it to Nirvana which is a great theme! It is showing [_post_title] instead of pulling the title from my post. Any clue how to tweak it?
Actually, i also just change hosting as well. Could that be the problem?
]]>we use the special mail tag _post_title since a few month in contactform 7.
Since today we have only the tag in our mail but no post title. Do you have an idea what happened?
we use contactform 7 version 3.8