we created several user roles on ultimate member. There are 2 columns there, Role Title and Role ID.
I was able to find the Role ID on the wp_usermeta table. There we have the umeta_id, user_id, meta_key and meta_value. The meta_key capabilities have the meta_value “a:1:{s:6:”vendor”;b:1;}” where vendor is the Role ID. But there is no meta_value with the Role Title.
My boss wants a simple dashboard with the number of users per role, but I would like to show the role title and not the role id.
Does anybody know which table has the role title?
Thank you.
]]>ex: I have First Name, Last Name and Age. In the Contact Form DB area in the Admin, I see
First Name Last Name Age
John Smith 50
This is what I want.
In the SQL database, under the submit table, it’s listed like this:
FieldName Value
First Name John
Last Name Smith
Age 50
How can I make this change?
]]>Somehow, the configuration module decided to initialize empty tables for the plugin, rather than using the pre-existing tables.
Can or should that assignment be modified?
]]>Do I understand there is an internal assending sequence number that is assinged to each table row item when importing and while manupalting the rows in TablePress, Admin, Table Content?
And this is how the table gets back into its original sequence if the user viewing the site sorts a field and refreshes the screen the table row items redisplay into their original sequence?
What tables do you create and use in the SQL database?
]]>NG didn’t recognize my FTP galleries, so I had to import them from “Import Image Folder” option.
I’ve been pulling my hair out for hours and hours, combing all the forums. I followed the tuts for PHPMyAdmin export/import… my files look like the sceenshots. The DB confirms SQL imported successfully. What am I missing??
Even assuming the data did import successfully, my other issue is this: Is there no way at all to export/import the TAGS I added manually in NextGen’s interface? There are no keywords in the files’ meta-data for me to scan. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance for any help.
]]>I’m trying to connect to my Database table, retrieve the data, and display it on my web page (not a blog page). The problem is that I don’t know where to enter the php code to establish a connection with my database. Do I:
enter the php code by editing the individual page?
need to create a new php file (exaple: database_connect.php) and add it to my Templates via my host (hostgator) and ftp account (filezilla)?
need to edit my stylesheet (css)? If so, where in the stylesheet should the php code need to be inserted (header, body, etc.)?
I have the latest version of WordPress. Hostagator hosts my WordPress files, Filezilla is my ftp account, and I’m using “A Simple Love (a child theme of the “Thematic” theme)” as my theme.
Note: I don’t have a problem executing a php test file that I created. The file is located in /public_html/test-php-files. Thus, I can enter the url as https://giftsrus.org/test-php-files/connectionfile.php and I get the result that says “If there are no errors in connecting to the database this is the only line you should see.:-)”
The php code within the in the connectionfile.php is as follows and seems to work:
$dbc = mysql_connect (‘localhost’,’tank2010_bucky20′,’password<>’);
if (!dbc) {
die(‘Not Connected:’ . mysql_error ());
$db_selected = mysql_select_db (‘tank2010_test-csv’, $dbc);
if (!$db_selected) {
die (“Can’t Connect :” .mysql_error());
$query=”UPDATE game SET email=’I hope – this code works’ WHERE username=’bucky20′”;
//add “result”
if (!$query) {
die (“Can’t Connect :” .mysql_error());
echo “If there are no errors in connecting to the database this is the only line you should see.:-)”
So, I don’t know where to place this code to connect to my database automatically when the web site comes up. Do I go through ‘Appearance > Editor and edit the css stylesheet, template, or what.arance>
Any help would be greatly appreciated.