Here is the source code :
<article id="pique-hero" class="pique-panel post-126 page type-page status-publish hentry">
<div class="pique-panel-content">
But in the inspector I see this :
<article id="pique-hero" class="pique-panel post-126 page type-page status-publish hentry">
<div class="pique-panel-content" style="padding-top: 142px;">
and in the “styles” details that is reported as : {
padding-top: 142px;
with no style-sheet referenced.
I want to remove (or at least greatly reduce) the padding-top which is applied to the div.
Thanks for the assistance, and thanks to the creator for this theme, it’s really nice.
I’m using the Travelify theme and added my own menu via the menus function under appearance. Also, I’m using a static homepage (called “home”). Here is the crux, somehow the menu adds a “Navigation” button at the far right, which directs me to my homepage. I already have a home button on the far left (where I want it to be, and called Home, not navigation).
How do I get rid of this button? See screenshots in the link below.
I have checked the options and such but Im unable to fix it, might be stupidity though.
Kind regards,
I’m using the Travelify theme and added my own menu via the menus function under appearance. Also, I’m using a static homepage (called “home”). Here is the crux, somehow the menu adds a “Navigation” button at the far right, which directs me to my homepage. I already have a home button on the far left (where I want it to be, and called Home, not navigation).
How do I get rid of this button? See screenshots in the link below.
I have checked the options and such but Im unable to fix it, might be stupidity though.
Kind regards,
I’d like to have a static home page that shows a grid of featured albums. If you look at the site you’ll see what I’ve implemented. It looks like what I want but it doesn’t work as desired. Clicking on any of the albums in the page area links to a single post. Is there a preferred method for having this kind of a static home page?
$args = array ( 'category_name' => 'accueil-en' );
// The Query
$the_query = new WP_Query( $args );
// The Loop
while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : $the_query->the_post();
<?php global $post;
// get translated post (in current language) if exists
if($post_id = pll_get_post($post->ID, pll_current_language()))
$post = get_post($post_id);
<div id="home-<?php the_ID(); ?>" class="<?php $classe = get_post_custom_values('home_pos') ; echo $classe[0] ; ?>">
the_content(); ?>
<?php endwhile;
// Reset Post Data
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Ce qui se passe, c’est que quelle que soit la langue choisie, j’ai toujours la version anglaise, comme si je n’avais rien fait. En revanche, l’url de ma page change bien…
Je ne me suis pas encore attaqué à la traduction des titre. Je pense que je vais devoir le faire en utilisant pll_e avec pll_register_string c’est bien cela ?
Si quelqu’un a une idée, je suis preneuse ;o)
]]>How can I fix this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I’d like to create a page template that will:
Detect all sites on network,
Display all posts from each network,
Include post info (post date & time, author, etc.),
Include which site it was posted on, with author, date, time, etc.
Provide titles as permalinks to posts,
Sort all posts chronologically (like a normal feed).
I assume I’ll have to be working with the Loop, and maybe loops within loops.
Then, the plan is to create a page with this template, set it as static home page, and voila! That’s the plan, at least…