To note I initially did experience an issue with retrieving and displaying images, but the dev helped me resolve the issue, which in my case was due to lazy loading being turned on in the EWWW plugin.
A highly recommended plug in beautifully scripted by a very skilled dev.
Thank you dev
I already installed it and it’s working great…
But when I convert my site into static html using Simply Static plugin, the favorite list isn’t working showing an error.
The add to favorite button works fine and add the post id to local storage, but favorite list isn’t showing.
Can u solve this problem?
]]>A problem I have is post/page prepublication admin previews show the home page, the the post/page to be previewed.
In other words, everything after the question mark in the URL is ignored.
My assumption is that I need to add some wp-related code to my home page so post/page admin previews work properly.
I have done a lot of searching…unsuccessfully.
Which line(s) of code from the header do I need to include to get this pre-pub admin preview working?
Just the other night, I had an idea for a site that wasn’t exactly public as it was designed to feed through to another site but it wouldn’t hurt to let the public look if they found it. Decided to run Twenty8teen there to allow me to experiment more with that extensive graphics side of the theme. Very glad I did.
It is a delight to just experiment with.
Behaves well with content including my amateurish table layouts I use for book listings on this new site.
Seems to like working on Multisites.
Works well with Child Themes and child theme creator plugins.
Has microformats support which might make it a great candidate for Indieweb based sites.
It appears to work happily with static sites if you want to create with WordPress and host the site as static pages… ie.; Git, IPFS, a simpler hosting system, Cloudflare, etc.
If you’ve been running an old school blog on a simpler theme or are running an IndieWeb capable WordPress theme but would like something much more attractive then this might be the perfect theme for you.
Don’t pass this one by!
]]>For example, I run a blog, where comments are disabled. I engage with people on social media. So basically all of my pages are static. Having an option to mark some of the posts as static would drastically improve the loading time and reduce server load a lot. Resulting in better SEO score and discoverability as well as overall better user experience.
Caching as it is right now is pretty fast no complaints there. But simple test shows that the same exact page loads twice as fast when it’s static because it doesn’t require any backend calls. (just save the website via browser and run int on the server, compare the timing)
Almost all websites have a bunch of static pages, especially corporate websites, portfolios, and blogs. I think it is worth to have such a thing alongside with other cool features the Clearfy plugin comes with.
Usability concerns:
1. Static files should be probably updated only when I hit the update button. 2. There should be an option to disable “static pages” when surfing as an Admin. 3. Search result page can’t be static. 4. Won’t work with “Infinite Load” powered pages but that shouldn’t be a concern. As it’s not a good practice to use them anyway. 5. Default Blogroll can’ be static either I guess.
Current static site plugins are clunky at best and don’t work so well in most cases. Judging by the quality of your product I think you guys are the best candidates to tackle this task.