I keep my website’s top menu and main menu header sticky using the oceanwp sticky header plugin.
But oceanwp sticky header has not been updated for 2 years, due to which another plugin was used to replace it.
The problem is that out of the top menu and main menu header, only one header is getting stuck.
Can you suggest any ccs code or plugin which can solve my problem.
I am using Ocean WP theme.
]]>For some reason, when I scroll down, the menu is in the middle of the screen rather than attached to the top.
I’ve tried clearing cache, and also visited on 2 pc’s; same issue.
The name of the plugin is ‘sticky menu (or anything!) on scroll’.
Theme is Astra with starter template (not pro).
Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
]]>As an example, I send you bootstrap’s guide documentation page.
On this site, the menu on the left is followed, but not animated.
]]>I have a problem with my website.
A couple weeks ago, I added a plugin called: myStickymenu.
Now my website is complete, I would like to delete this plugin. But when I deactivate and delete the plugin. The menu keeps sticky on the desktop version, and when you scroll down and up on the home menu the menu disappears.
I have no problem when I visit the website on my smartphone.
I hope someone can tell me what te problem is…
Yours Sincerely,
Richard de Vries
De Vries Motoren
Could anyone kindly help me with hiding the logo in the menu after scrolling.
I’m using Sinatra theme.
I’be been searching for a fix for a while, but didn’t find any. If there has already been a discussion about this, that I missed, a link to it would be helpful.
Please check my link…
I have installed and set up max mega menu but sub menu not open when menu is sticky..
Please help me
Thanks in advance
I can’t find a way to make my mobile menu stick on top.
The desktop version works just fine, but it seems I can’t get it work on mobile.
Can you help me? Thanks!!!!
website is