I notice that the following file: ‘wp-content/uploads/GeoLite2-City.mmdb’ the file-size is more than 60MB.
What are the consequences if I remove this file?
Or do I have to disable the Geo-function in WooCommerce?
Please help me out, because I want to remove some unused/unnecessary files to clean up my webspace.
Thanks in advance!
Allowed 500 MB
Used 486.4 MB (97%)
It looks like I approach the maximum allowed storage space. Will NextCellent stop to accept new images once the maximum space is exceeded?
Is it possible to change the maximum allowed storage space? My provider does not impose a maximum, so I assume it is a setting in NextCellent, but I cannot find it anywhere. I also couldn’t find any answer via Google.
Many thanks in advance for your help.
]]>We are migrating a big site (articles and images) from Joomla to WordPress. Because the original site was bilingual every image is duplicated and so, the content is using a bunch of unnecessary space.
To clean up, I started deleting unused images from the media library. I notice that the used storage space doesn’t change and I see that the images remain in the “uploads” folder in “wp-content”.
I have two questions:
– When you delete images from the Media Library should they be (automatically) removed from the uploads folder?
– If not, what would be the recommended way to manage the images in order to free space from the server? (while keeping everything organized and coherent)
I looked for this in the wp documentation but I can’t find information about it. It would help me to understand the general “logic” behind the media file handling. By the way, I’m not a developper.
Your help is very much appreciated. Thank you.
]]>I am running a large wp multisite network (more than 10.000 subsites) and I am planning to use the wp2cloud plugin to move gigas of media on S3.
So I installed a test server with Clouse and WP2cloud and ran some tests and it really seams to work fine
However some issues have yet raised and I will open (different) tickets for each one of them.
Here is the first.
The occupied storage space on disk calculated by wordpress seams to ignore the size of moved media (so I would not be able to limit this use with quota).
Am I right or is there something I have to setup for that ?
]]>I want to restrict the space available for each author for there subdomain site accordingly to there membership level.
for Example:
1)pro member will have 10gb as storage place for there subdomain site.
2)pro plus member will have 15gb as storage place for there subdomain site.
Note: I am using s2member for defining the user level.