The shift to a paid model feels more like a greedy strategy to squeeze money out of users than a decision to improve the product. The quality of service doesn’t justify the exorbitant price they’re charging. Furthermore, the lack of transparency in communication about this change is unacceptable. We’ve been left in the dark and feel abandoned by a company we once trusted.
Instead of enhancing the user experience, this move seems more focused on lining the pockets of the company behind Jetpack. I feel betrayed and frustrated by this decision, and I’m seeking out more ethical and affordable alternatives to improve my WordPress site. I wouldn’t recommend Jetpack to anyone in its current state unless they’re willing to shell out money for a service that used to be free and reliable.
]]>My intent is to have a link from the slider video to a ‘page’ where the video displays larger and there is some information about the author, for example a short bio.
So far so good I can make all that happen.
What I really wanted to know is what is the best strategy here…is it to have all the links go to separate blog posts with the video and author bio or to create a separate page. In some respects going to the blog is easier but not sure it is better.
Looking at other sites I have seen one that seems to link it’s videos to separate pages.
An example of this behaviour is here
Any thoughts.
]]>Data error in Analytics, Request parameter is empty: metrics.
and under Pagespeed Insights:
Error: Request parameter is empty: strategy.
I have tried signing in and out of the google account but the error just won’t stop showing up. If it helps, here are screenshots of what it looks like.
]]>The plugin was great before the latest update. Now, you don’t get anything with the free version. I immediately deleted it after the update last week.
Thank you guys for the awesome plugin for the past few years but you should definitely rethink your business strategy in the future.
]]>I need to work on a WP multisite. With:
– Main site
– Subsite1
– Subsite2
– …
– SubsiteN
Main Site, Subsite1, 2, etc. will be using exactly the same data.
To avoid posts duplication so for easier maintenance purpose, I just wonder if:
1/ I could use SubsiteN as a repository with:
– Custom Post Types as CI;
– and related Custom fields as CI’s attributes.
2/ Then I could query this repository from Main Site, Subsite1, 2, etc. to manipulate/populate Main Site, Subsite1, 2, etc. posts’ data with SubsiteN’s data.
As we are dealing with the same database, I thought I could have made it easily, but answers in Groups are not that straightforward or seem to be no.
– Is it really impossible? Should I modify my data strategy? And how?
– If it is not, could you please revert me to a tutorial I might have missed?
– Any feedbacks on this strategy will be also appreciated.
I do thank you for your time to my questions. I am quite new to WP dev.
BRgds, NLE92500
]]>Never give up on your dreams, we want to help you to succeed online with clear, simple and effective strategies for you to automate your lead generation with WordPress.
Im currently developing a small project of my own called (Portugal), I’m still stuck on site planning and navigation so I need someone to shine a light on the matter.
main page: blog featuring latest posts in each category from all cities + a select city option
Should cities be main categories or pages? I assume they will have to be pages..
so, > displays featured posts about city-1, the problem is, I would need a custom menu for this specific page:
where-to-stay | eating-out | see&do | about-city-1 | trivia
because each city is unique and “where to stay, eat and do” options change from city-1 to city-2.
Any thought that might help?
p.s. IM USING Genesis
]]>Im planning a local tourist guide for few cities in my country but I can’t figure out the website planning for this project. Here it goes:
My ideal Url strategy is:
If /city/ is itself category I have a problem, because will be a category conflict, for example:
I cant have /what-to-do/ category to both city-1 and city-2 category hierarchy..
Should the /city/ be a individual page with a custom menu for each? Even this way I would have a category conflict and I would have to change the category name for each place..
Should I go multisite subdomain style: That doesnt make much sense since it’s a small project with little content per city/local, but it would work.
This is another pratical example
Should this be:
This way I will get a messy content conflict, because “hotels” is a shared category, that can have diferent parents, because It suits all cities.
I really don’t know out to proceed beacause I only worked in single topic/product/company projects before, and since now I can have many topics (cities) I dont know what strategy is best.
Check these ones out for better picture:
Thanks in advance,
The company has more than 200 branches across the UK and these are divided by regions: South, Centre, North. Each branch will have from 1 to 20 users accessing the website. My client requires that each region see a different version of the site (Homepage background, homepage news, downloadable material ecc) at the same moment in time. Every user will require to login in order to view the website.
Would you use multisite and have one site per region?If so how do I dispatch users to the right site?
Or maybe should I create different user roles and show the relevant pages depending of the role?
Any advice would be extremely appreciated.