Please let me know how I can fix this. Thanks!
]]>Video here:
“Service Unavailable
PHP did not respond properly to the request. As a result, Apache considers the PHP-FPM service to be unavailable.
Detailed information about this error is available in the app’s Apache error log at:
The root cause of this error is often slow PHP code. You should disable any plugins the app is using and check the app’s PHP error log and PHP slow request log located at:
Inside WP – the Dashboard showed many errors for this plugin and functions.php calls it could not find. Tried to reinstall plugin in order to clean uninstall but it caused the site to break again (had to go through same procedure).
It took a few more minutes for the WP Dashboard to remove the functions.php errors caused by missing plugin. Not sure how it resolved itself it’s gone and I can’t use this plugin.
WP: 5.1.1
Theme: Bridge by Qode
Issue resolve only if I clear cache and cookies. Tried Chrome and IE latest version and the problem it’s the same. No changes on the site, that opens regularly on my other lap.
Events download but get 404 when i try to browse to them and also on the events page loading stuck in continuous loop:
Any ideas?
Also tried to add code from previous soluion in functions.php
if (!is_admin()) add_action(“wp_enqueue_scripts”, “my_jquery_enqueue”, 11);
function my_jquery_enqueue() {
wp_register_script(‘jquery’, “http” . ($_SERVER[‘SERVER_PORT’] == 443 ? “s” : “”) .
“://…”, false, null);
but no joy
]]>Ok, as quick as I can. Have a blog, only 4 posts so far and wrote one the other day that was saved as a draft. Went to publish it yesterday and it just kept loading and didn’t ever publish. That remains the problem now with this post and others. I cannot edit any posts or start a new post.
When I click on a post to edit it the box where the post would be remains blank for a long time and the loading sign in the tab is present. I can click publish but the above happens but when I look at the list of posts it does have the newest time for when it was updated despite nothing being done.
To try and solve this I have cleared my cookies and cache etc, re logged in to WP and nothing.
I have deactivated the three plug ins I use and tried but it’s still the same. I have switched to the default theme and it still remains the same.
I use Genesis with Spyr theme.
I am not sure what else to try now so any help would be very appreciated.
My page is