J’ai sauté le pas en voulant prendre la version PRO de Master Study LMS !
Seulement depuis quelques jours, l’affichage de la page de cours dès que l’on arrive sur des quizz ne s’affiche pas comme il faut, je n’arrive pas à comprendre le souci…
De plus, ce n’est pas uniquement un problème d’affichage, car il n’y a aucune possibilité de faire le quizz.
PS : Le plugin de base et pro sont bien à jour…
Si vous avez la solution pour ce souci, je serais super content, parce que ?a bloque tous mes cours en ligne.
Merci à vous et bon courage !
In case you’re wondering, I like it. Especially the sheet audacity.
]]>I would like to ask for your help with important ongoing research about WordPress security by filling out this questionnaire:
]]>Right, I’ve decided now is the time for me to learn HTML!
Can anyone recommend any books, websites or other resources to get me started? Should I be studying HTML5 – I see it everywhere?
FYI – I’m in the UK if that makes a difference to your responses.
Thank you.
]]>I want to know how to make a plugin in which
1) a user can see a product on one page with buy button
2) on the order page where he could fill all the details about himself 3) and then he will be redirected to paypal for payment
Please let me know how to make i don’t want to know about plugins i just want to know how to do it by myself for study purposes.
Thank you
Arsalan khan
I’ve been making websites with CSS PHP and more over the last two years, I know a few things but not nearly enough! Now editing WP themes is as hard as understanding Hebrew, well at least for me.
I bought a Lynda.com DVD on WP and the guy basically used “exercise files” for all that mattered he left all the coding out so the DvD is useless!
Can you point me in the right direction to where I can learn to edit my themes? Any DVDs, websites(with video) that I can look at or just an online curse that I can take to learn this stuff?
Any help would be great.
I’m building a site and i want to let visitors do an online course, like E-Learning where they answer some questions and what not so they can get some sort of diploma. Is there some kind of plug-in available for this?
]]>However, I am VERY nervous about doing this, especially as I see so many posts on here about people having problems with 2.8. Is the latest version 2.8.4 more stable than previous versions? Is there anything I should be extra cautious about seeing as I’m upgrading from such an old version?
I haven’t done an upgrade before, and in fact even had a bit of a nightmare when trying to install WP initially when I first started using it – I’m not very familiar with using databases etc
I’ve read the articles on backing up the database and how to upgrade but it’s a lot to take in and I’m worried I’ll miss something out that will break my blog or my plugins (although I don’t use many, just one for stats, lightbox, one for spam and another that forget the name of right now).
So any last minute advice would be very much appreciated. I’d really like to have it all go as smooth as possible with as little disruption to my visitors as I can get, as I get a good flow of traffic every day so don’t want the site down for too long if I can help it!
Thanks all