For how many levels is navigation possible?
I’m a newbie so please excuse my ignorance. Many thanks!
]]>Apologies that I’m new to this so I’m not sure about “Topic Tags”, how to link to the page where I want a sub-sub-menu, and otherwise how properly to ask for help. Many thanks!
]]>I haven’t found any code to compare it too, since it was a custom site. The code right now says: `class Sublevel_Walker extends Walker_Nav_Menu
function start_lvl( &$output, $depth = 0, $args = array() ) {
$indent = str_repeat(“\t”, $depth);
$output .= “\n$indent<div class=’drop’><div class=’wrap’><div class=’one’><h3 class=’hx’></h3><ul class=’sub-menu’>\n”;
Does anyone know how to modify this code to work with the sub sub menu without repeating itself?
]]>I am running my website locally, so i cannot give you a URL.
Try to add a sub sub menu and see if you get the same trouble, Thanks.
I am unable to see Menu3, i can see Menu1 and Menu2, here Menu1 is Page, Menu2 and Menu3 are product category and Menu2 is parent of Menu3.
Please guide me to see Sub Sub Menu.
]]>Please see my client site
They would like the industry specific menu to only be reviled when clicking on Construction/CDM however when trying to do that it shows like this, it needs to stay under E-docs Topic.
Can your plug in do that please?
]]>I have finished working on a website, and I have a very weird problem in menus!
1. In English Languages, Menu Item About Us –> About KSQCA their should be a submenu that expand to the right, but it covers the same menu to the left!
2. In RTL (Arabic / Kurdish) the drop down menus aren’t working on the home page, but they work on any sub page.
I done some code modification, undo all code, but the problem still exists, then restore the website to an earlier version, where all menus were working without problems, but the problem still exists!
Any Help will be much appreciated.