Thanks for the wonderful plugin. I need to know how can i get information once user registers to the site. Basically i need hook which will provide me with details once user registration is complete. I know i can add re-direct once registration is complete but it may create a issue once multiple people register at same time.
Can you please advise ?
[fu-upload-form suppress_default_fields=”true” class=”my_class” title=”Fill the below fields” form_layout=”post”][select name=”foo” class=”select” id=”ug_select” description=”Pick a Item” values=”Cloths,Books,Blood,Computer,Mobile,School Accesories”][input type=”text” name=”post_title” id=”cell” class=”required” description=”Your Cell Phone Number” multiple=””][input type=”text” name=”location” id=”location” class=”required” description=”Location for pick” multiple=””][input type=”text” name=”org” id=”org” class=”required” description=”Preferred organization” multiple=””][input type=”email” name=”mail” id=”mail” class=”required” description=”Your email address” multiple=””][input type=”submit” class=”btn” value=”Submit”][/fu-upload-form]
I can not find the submitted data in the media->Manage UGC or in the pages->Manage UGC. Where my data goes. How can I set select field required?
Please help me out
]]>I need a function to give the people on my site who used the form an output of the data which they typed in.
What I mean is like the MAIL 1 (and two of course too), that I have the option/possibilty to write a text and the value after it.
It should be exactly how the mail system is, but in a textfile download and an on-page outputbox.
In short:
1. Person types in the needed information on my page.
2. He clicks on the send button.
3. After this he can see his entered information on the page by a box output and is allowed to copy it or download it as .txt (maybe).
4. The admin of the WP-website receives the information by mail. (And mail#2 isn’t enabled, so Person receive no e-mail, he can see the data on screen [look at no.3])
Now, is THIS possible?
Best regards
]]>I was able to get the form data via the redirect form processor via creating variables and then adding the key=value pairs to the redirect url. But I have a lot of form fields I want to be able to access on the redirected page.
So, is there a way to $_POST the form fields instead? or another way I can access the form fields on the redirected page? Maybe a way to get them programmatically from wherever the Form Entries are stored perhaps?
Open to suggestions/guidance
]]>I’ve contacted you before as I have WP installed on a closed network (no internet access). I had to install the Scriptaculous files locally.
Are there any further links to files that should be stored locally? Aside from this issue, the form is working perfectly. But it is essential that I am able to export submitted data to my users.
[No bumping. If it’s that urgent, consider hiring someone.]
]]>Is this possible ? I started having a look around hoping there would be a hook or some kind of nice way to add this feature. Better to get advice before I hack something together.